
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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with magic

I was wacthing  Julian smith and then the  Perfect Bathroom trip came up in the side bar!!So i cilck on it and LOVED the video! Then it ended....So i stayd up all nite spending  hours  hours and hours looking up Rhett and Links videos!!!From that point on i was a mythical beast!

I was watching Julian Smith then i watched The Perfect Bathroom Trip Song.  I thought they sang good and were funny so kept watching their videos.  They are funny!!
I was introduced to R&L by my daughter, shes always showing me things from YouTube and I've been hooked ever since.   I think we've watched everything there is up there now =)
I found them thru another youtuber about some odd years ago MysteryGuitarMan mentioned them then I watched all they're videos. Then there show, now I have there shoes. The hocked me and Dragged me in!!!!!!
I saw them on Conan.

THIS IS AMAZING!! well im from the same town as RHETT AND LINK one day i was reading the N&O a local paper and they were there, well i was very excited because byt he time i read this i had already posted so many videos on youtube, and about one month before this i relized i wanted to get BACK INTO MY PASSION, when i was a kid i was OBSESSED WITH MOVIES AND FILM MAKING o m g but when i got into high school i STARTED SMOKING WEED and said FUCK THE CAMERA ( i was thinking when i got older the field would be to crowded and there wouldnt be any jobs yes i was thinking abotu jobs at age 15!!)  me and some frineds made a funny show on our local public accsess channel it was like JACK ASS meets TOM GREEN etc. etc. well any ways i still LOVE GUITAR is a hobby but i think RHETT AND LINK have inspired me to get back into my passion. Im not sure what aspect of filming i really like? on the camera.. behind the camera... special effects always have amazed me..

i think i really started getting into it when george lucas re-released the old star wars like back in 1997 or somthing??

damn!! thats allot of stuff to read ..

 Check out my song i wrote called "Burger King is the greatest place in the world" ---

and also im having a guitar contest online..

ohkay so just SUB to my channel then make a video of you playing guitar etc. and send it to me publicley or privateley post it on to the channel comments and or subscirbe which ever comes first.

    THERE WILL BE 3 winners 1 for SKills 2 for creativity 3. for humor  Now 3 people MAY WIN, ONE PERSON MAY WIN ALL OF THESE!!! i dodnt know !! but THERE WILL BE PRIZES YES!! i will mail a prize to who i deem the winner!!

  everyone wins!! even if you "LOSE" why? becuase you get to showcase your telent to the world for FREE!!

 WHOA WHOA WHOA!! im getting of subject here but thats because im very excited !!

           thanks every one!!


I found them when youtube suggested that I subcribe, i checked u guys out and now i have all your songs on my ipod. I memorized most of the songs with my friend who is equally as hooked on your videos and songs as i am


I was watching the Julian Smith Perfect Bathroom Trip song... and i also saw them in a couple of his videos... then, on a website for free stuff on iTunes, I saw they had a free commercial and i was like, "No WAY! I KNOW THEM!!! I KNOW THEM!!" Haha and i downloaded it... now like my family is... obsessed... with Rhett and Link's videos... hahaha we've seen them all a hundred times.... in two days... haha :D Keep making them! :)
Found them randomly on YouTube .. Soooo glad I did :D I'm an AVID fan of Rhett and Link now :)

My son shared Rhett and Link with me and the family about a year ago - maybe longer.   My first experience was the Taco Bell Folksong and from there my interest in them grew.  I think maybe because I see a lot of my son and his friend in them.  Good role models;  They enjoy life and the amusements it brings.  Here is the link to their latest video along with others. 



I found these guys because I also LOVE Julian Smith tv which my little brother who is now 17 showed me. I even taught Anna, the 7 yr old I babysit the "Hot Koolaid" video. But anyways, Julian's Bathroom Tip song was really cool and so I found Rhett and Link and I actually love them probably more than Julian Smith although both are equally funny. Not only that, theyre from NC which is my home state and is AWESOME!!! Wolfpack all the way Rhett!!!


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