
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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Saw a few of there videos and then one day searched of Epic Rap and found Epic Rap Battle, hooked ever since.
Like two years ago my sister's old boyfriend showed me their fast food order songs so I've been following them since :D
My hipster friend Josiah sent me link to one of their videos, I think it was "The Future of Dating, according to Rhett" and my brother, an avid youtuber, told me about them all in the same week.  It was defiantly love at first watch! The love still grows and grown like a Chia Lincoln.
My friend corey showed me the video for "T-Shirt war," I've liked them ever since.
YouTube ;)
Watched "the BBQ song" (which btw is so true)
i was watching a youtube video by ray william johnson and he said to check rhett and Links channel out so i did ad me likey
i found them when i was on youtube and was watching the key of awesome. they won an award show type thingy.... then i clicked the link saw the tacobell drive through rap... about 3 mins later i was on the floor crakin up and i knew that they were the funniest guys on the internet!! :) :B
It was a lot like finding Jesus.  The Cornhole Song was my gateway drug into the world of Rhett and Link.  We play a lot of bags here and that song always made me giggle.   Come to think of it, it wasn't like finding Jesus at all....
I was watching Julian Smith on youtube and came across "The Perfect Bathroom Trip song" and found Rhett and Link. From then on I have enjoyed every single thing the Rhett and Link has produced. YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!
some random youtube link


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