
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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i found them on youtube i always watch their videos

Honestly i cant recall the first video that i watched by Rhett and Link but i remember seeing them in videos with Julian Moore like waffles and perfect bathroom trip and i saw them in a whole bunch of orabrush videos so after seeing them around so much i eventually decided to check out more of the videos and i just loved them and i loved their sense of humour and their style and their story is just amazing and im glad to be supporting them

me and my dad were looking up drive thru raps the we came across rhett and link.
I had seen the t-shirt war video and the Facebook song before, but it never clicked with me who they were until I watched the Julian Smith videos. After seeing them in "Waffles" I decided to check out their youtube channel. Best decision of my life! Their videos are so funny and creative and wholesome and you feel like after you watch a few videos you really get to know them and are sort of "friends" with them....haha.
Now finished channel 2.  All of a sudden I have free time again...

Nathan (Griffasus) said:
I first saw Rhett and Link through their work as the Fabulous Bentley Brothers featured on Jelly Telly (probably at least 2008 or earlier).  Later (Feb 2011), when looking up some of that work on YouTube, I noticed a comment referring to them as "Rhett and Link," and then found their channel of internetainment magic.  After watching all their videos (quite a time commitment so late in the game), I am now working through channel 2 and own a t-shirt and have mythical shoes on the way.  I guess that makes me a fan.
My brother showed me the t-shirt war vid and after he showed me it, i watched more of their videos. I loved them all! Then my friend the next day and she coincidentally asked me if I had ever watched Rhett and Link and now both me and my friend watch ALL of your vids! You AWESOME!!!!
I was looking for an animated video I seen on YouTube and came across the drive thru folk song.  I watched it 5 more times and I still laugh about it.
I found out about Rhett an Link by watching Julian Smith videos.... I watched the Waffles video on my DSi, found it on YouTube, Rhett and Link were in it so i was just like, I'm gonna watch their videos..... Now I watch the videos all the time!!! ;)

My youth group went to Myrtle Beach,and I was watching a video for a activity there! When the video began the facebook song played,and I loved it. I can't wait to go back in June!

I think I saw their t-shirt war video and subscribed to them


I was on woot.com, which is a website that makes a profit out of selling different random items every day . . . they could be selling anything from giant boxes filled with toenail clippers, to flat screen TVs. Anyway, I was on woot, and the item of the day was the all so famous "Shamwow." Well, under the humerous description of the product in which was up for sale (which in this case was the Shamwow), they had two different links to videos on Youtube, which were intended to inform you even more about the product. One of them was a remix of people talking about the Shamwow, and the other was, of course, Rhett and Link's Shamwow song. I've been a fan ever since, and now I can't keep away from anything they ever post! Rhett and Link are the only people on Youtube that I am fully committed to keeping up with. I can't honestly say that about anyone else!
I'd always seen the videos dotted about Youtube via Shaycarl, Julian Smith and from random searches but it was when i saw "2 guys 600 pillows" that i got hooked =L Not the most amazing story but i mean it's better than nothing xD


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