
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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I found them in July of 2010, probably from a link from another youtuber, but now I absolutely love their videos and can't get enough of their hilarity!
I found the guys because of ShayCarl a couple of years back but have only just been able to join the Kommunity.
Well, I REALLY first saw you guys from some friends that showed me the "Pimp My Stroller" video... But never heard of Rhett and Link, just that video. But, a little while ago, a friend told me to check out "T-shirt War" and I've been hooked on ALL of Rhett and Link's videos!!! I have seen almost EVER VIDEO!!! RHETT AND LINK ROCK!!! :D

Found Rhett & Link when my friend Otis sent me a link to their Red House Furniture commercial...eventually, I would stumble across other equally hilarious/awesome videos, and started noticing a common theme among many of them...Rhett & Link.


Rhett & Link: The best thing to happen to the internet since Al Gore invented it.
i found them like last year or so trough RayWilliamJohnson's video talking about t-shirt war .. too bad he said some rather mean things .. even tough i'm glad i found you guys you are the best !
one of my friends showed me a video.... thats about it

long story:


So I finished watching Super Size Me, which somehow led me to Fast Food Folk Song, which led me to you.


After that came many hours annoying friends by singing it. 

All the time.



The Shamwow song, first, then I found them again through My Favorite Pillow.
From a Julian Smith video, thought they were pretty funny... Turns out I was right, they are.
I was introduced to Rhett and Link while visiting my 2nd family in Corpus Christi this past summer. We were watching various silly youtube videos by people I'd never heard of: edbassmaster, mysteryguitarman and then they were like "Oh you HAVE to see Rhett and Link!" I was taken by the amount of work and effort and skill that was put into youtube videos that were just made to be funny! T-Shirt War was the first one I saw and I was incredibly impressed. Then the Taco Bell drive-thru and ....The 80's......  I was like, "I'm gonna have to remember these guys!"

I will never forget when I discovered you guys. I was looking for a british idol video, and browsed all the way to american idol, and law and behold the Alexis Cohen, American Idol song.... and I was like, not only are these guys funny, but they can also make music, I mean sing for real.. with second voice and everything... I was hooked ever since. 


So I dropped the DeFranco show and replaced it with you guys... lool



Youtube, i was trying to look for good rap battles


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