
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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It's been so long that I really don't remember )': I used to watch all their videos but for some reason their videos weren't being posted on my subscription box so I thought they had stopped making videos. I refound them around last year :')
ummm well i was juswt chiiling on youtube and i think i found one of there videos in a link on a nother video
I found them when my friend told me to look up walmart shenanigans on youtube. I then found the drivethru folk song and sent it to all of my family and made sure that I got credit for finding them! I showed my best friend and he couldn't even believe it. We have been watching them ever since and we are hardcore fans!
my us history teacher let us watch rhett and link in class when we finished our notes i googled them them that night and have been watching their youtube vids i just now became a mythical beast because i wanted a pair of the shoes of awesomeness.
I found Rhett and Link through the 'Facebook Song', I was just browsing Youtube for funny song's back in around February 2009 when I came across that video and after I watched that video I went on their (Awesome) Channel and browsed loads of their video's and loved them! I've been watching R&L for about ... Well 2 years in february 2011 !
i found them two years ago when my freind from flordia revealed their youtube videos unto me. i then soon forgot. 2 years later someone shows me the bbq song refreshed my memory the rest is history.

So, how do you feel about the homeschoolers song?

Lisa C. said:

Hmm. I remember seeing the Facebook song waaaaaay back in the day (back when I didn't have a FB because I'm homeschooled and FB wouldn't allow me to sign up until I was 18). My sister re-discovered them sometime last winter, and it's just sort of taken off from there!

I was looking for backwards videos on YouTube and I ran across "2 Guys 600 Pillows [Backwards Music Video]".

 uhh... I think I found them while looking at drive thru raps

I was on iambored.com and found their American Idol video. =D

My friend started rappin' The Epic Rap Battle so I asked about it so he showed me R&L and now I'm mythical!


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