
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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I found the Facebook song first and was instantly hooked! 

One of my friends showed the Backwards Pillow Song in class. I went home and checked them out and have not stopped watching since! They're fantastic!

My friend, Emma, told me about them when I saw her "balloon + dart" shirt that she got when Rhett and Link came to Holly Springs.

well my brother showed it to me, and i have been hooked on rhett and link ever since. if i could meet anybody in the whole world, it would be rhettand link

surfing the webernet

I can't remember the date but I know that a couple of years ago someone posted the Taco Bell Drive Thru song on Facebook and I thought it was violations my brilliant! Went right to the YouTube channel and started watching other videos and was smitten with these two! Our family became huge fans with our kids even prefer in R&L videos to sesame street or anything else! Right now my two year old says "link" when he sees a zebra!!!  

We were so excited that they were moving to LA as that's where we are at. We went to the mythical meetup in LA which was....mythical. My kids sat and listened to every song in the song set. This all cemented Rhett and Links place in our hearts. After the meetup, when a friend saw our pic with the guys she said "you know Rhett and Link sang at our wedding, right?". Turns out Will and the guys go back a loooong way. Elementary school long. I soon found out that Will was the Will mentioned in Links broken pelvis story! Small, small world!

So glad we found that first video. I can't imagine our lives without Rhett and Link making us laugh!!!
My friend showed me in November 2011 and I have been hooked since that day.

They caugth my attention in 2010, when i was doing some research on stop motion videos for a school project and i found their tshirt Wars video on youtube, which was pretty impressive. I continued to watch some of their videos, but didn´t get hooked, until one year later or so, when Rhett an link started GMCL. 

I was watching Epic Rap Battles Of History on Youtube. They had played as the Wright brothers in ''Mario Bros VS Wright Bros'' When I clicked the bonus link, and it took me too their site. I was hooked on the spot! And here I am!!!:)

Actually I was at my laptop when it froze so I just started clicking everywhere and when my laptop unfroze I ended up on the T-Shirt war video and I thought I was really cool so I subscihed to them. Nice coincidence. 

I found them through Julian Smith.  My brother had been showing me a bunch of Julian Smith videos, and we eventually stumbled on Rhett & Link's "Perfect Bathroom Trip" music video with Julian Smith.  Then we saw T-shirt wars, which led to the pillow song, and so on and so on...we were hooked. Now I'm a proud Mythical Beast! :)

I just stumbled across their videos on YouTube one day. I think it was their backwards pillow music video... good times.


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