
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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I found R&L through their performance as the Fabulous Bentley Brothers on Jelly Telly. I now know all of the Judges names from the Old Testament because of them. Thanks guys.
About 2 years ago, my boys were bugging me...(9 and 11 years old at the time) "MA, you gotta watch this video..." over and over. I said..."you guys can't watch videos online, that is bad, you never know what you might see!!!!... oh , no, I have to sharpen the parental online controls...blah blah blah" and they said "no, you don't understand, it is nothing and they have a TON MORE!"
So, I watched the Facebook song. I was sorta like...whoa, really strange but intriguing....
Then, while adjusting their parental controls, I found myself watching it over and over and then watching the Dead Ipod song and ALL THE OTHERS!!! I then added Rhett and Link as one of their safe sites.
I thank God we found them... they have made my life VERY HAPPY!!!!!!!!!
I think it's those bluetooth headsets everyone uses... they are really the bluetooth cyborgs. :) Count down to 2043... 34 years until Rhett and Link gain utter global domination...

Mel said:
It's funny how once they get their hooks into you, well, it's game over after that. Personally, I think there must be some sort of subliminal mind-control thing hidden in the videos. ("submit to meee!")

Rhett and Link seem like smart enough guys to be able to do that...

Emperess Penguin said:
i was surfing through youtube bored out of my mind and avoiding summer homework. somehow found 80's video and have been a mega-fan ever since three days ago when i found them :)
Oh whoa, I just checked out their Jelly Telly videos!! Hilarious! And I love some of the comments left by others about how their songs are so catchy. I wonder when these videos were done? I've never heard the guys talk about them!

Beth Roth said:
Oh my goodness!!! You just sent me on a little Google journey...I had no idea. Those shirts, those toupees!! My kids and I had talked before about how it would be neat if Rhett and Link did something along the lines of a Veggie Tales video...and here they are teamed up with the Veggie Tales people.

Dudes have been keeping a little secret from us!

Kevin Kirk said:
I found R&L through their performance as the Fabulous Bentley Brothers on Jelly Telly. I now know all of the Judges names from the Old Testament because of them. Thanks guys.
I looked up "funny" on youtube and found the Shamwow song. It being epically awesome, I spent the next three days watching all of thier videos. I'm corrently trying to convert all of my friends to your friends. :D
I was watching a butt load of "Weird" Al Yankovic music videos to add my favorites to my YouTube account on September 5th (yesturday). When I clicked on "Trapped in the Drive Thru", Rhett and Link's video for the heathly drive thru video popped up as a related video. I loved how non of their videos had any profanity and it was all just a bunch of fun videos. I have become a fan and am very thankful that their video popped up for me to watch. Thanks guys! You bring an uber load of happiness and laughter to my day!

-Sarah Jean
I found Rhett and Link when they began streaming on Ustream.TV. They were testing it out and I watched them wait for viewers.

A news broadcast about internet video included part of a Rhett and Link video. I am in Australia, so that was pretty awesome to see you guys.

Well I actually just found them yesterday!!! The day before yesterday I got a link to a youtube video about a FB song (not theirs) but I saw their FB song in the sidebar, but I didn't click on it. Today someone sent me a link to the guacamole song and I spent like 2 hours checking out their videos!!! I also got to see the live podcast which was awesome... I am totally hooked!!! :)
It was my day off a few months ago. I was bored and wanted to hear some banjo music so i googled "folk music". one of the links on the first page the taco bell song. After I watched that i imediatly called my buddy that sits in a cubical doing nothing and told him to watch it. I spent the rest of the day, and time since watching all the stuff and the weekly shows. Still havent seem them all because i usually end up watching one over and over again.
That is awesome, my friend! Enjoy getting caught up! Their videos are so re-watchable!!

Billy B. (Fabled Flying Fish) said:
It was my day off a few months ago. I was bored and wanted to hear some banjo music so i googled "folk music". one of the links on the first page the taco bell song. After I watched that i imediatly called my buddy that sits in a cubical doing nothing and told him to watch it. I spent the rest of the day, and time since watching all the stuff and the weekly shows. Still havent seem them all because i usually end up watching one over and over again.
That is awesome Kelly! I'm kinda jealous at all the discoveries and laughs you're going to have in the next several days/weeks? finding all of Rhett and Link's content! Welcome aboard! :oD

Kelly Jenkins said:
Well I actually just found them yesterday!!! The day before yesterday I got a link to a youtube video about a FB song (not theirs) but I saw their FB song in the sidebar, but I didn't click on it. Today someone sent me a link to the guacamole song and I spent like 2 hours checking out their videos!!! I also got to see the live podcast which was awesome... I am totally hooked!!! :)
Well, I found them sorta recently. I started watching and following people from youtube, the bigger vlogers, like Shanedawson which lead me to shaycarl and charlestripy and so on and so on, Well going through videos I saw a couple of them talk about Rhett & Link's movie so naturally I checked them out on youtube and found that I really enjoyed their stuff.


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