Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!
We saw them on Jimmy Fallon for "Will It Hotdog?" episode. Been huge fans ever since and I would love to be on the show!
My sibling was always a fan of gmm. One day I decided to click on a video. Specifically that bottle squeezing video. I would occasionally watch a video here and there. But when I officially got my own account, I decided to subscribe. That is how I found Rhett and Link.
I found Rhett and Link when a co-worker showed me the pudding episode and now I'm hooked. I started at the beginning tho. I am currently on Season 1 episode 59.
My teen sons introduced me to Rhett and Link. I’ve found we have a lot in common, so I’m sticking with them. We have a similar since of humor, their from a small town in N.C., I’m from SC just outside Myrtle Beach. We’re the same age, everything they reference from back home or growing up, I totally get. When they talk about Pizza Inn, or He-Man, or bust out singing Boot Scoot Boogie, it’s like I’m listening to old friends. I wonder if Rhett and Link recorded their own radio shows when they were kids. My cousin and I used to do that. We thought we were a comedy duo. Anyway, I just wanted to tell Rhett and Link I really enjoy their stuff.
Well in retrospect I realised that Rhett and Link, being on the internet basically from the beginning, were actually involved in a lot of other stuff that I'd watched a while back. However, I only really got into them last year after watching 'Will it hummus? with Jimmy Fallon'. It seems weird to me how that introduced me to their channel but I'm glad it did. After that, I looked at their channel and found their music videos which I thought were hilarious and I proceeded to binge watched loads of their videos which started my obsession.
I was watching random videos on Facebook in February of this year and one of theirs came up (I can't for the life of me remember which one!) A few more videos later and I'm obsessed! I'm surprised I didn't discover them a lot sooner than I did, but better late than never!
My cousin, who is diagnosed with OCD, showed me the “It’s my OCD” music video when I was ten, telling me it described how OCD felt perfectly. I haven’t stopped watching since!
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