
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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I found them a few months ago when I was sick and had to stay off school. I was searching YouTube when I came across their OCD song video and I couldn't stop watching them! I must have watched 40 GMMs that day! I am so glad that I found them, they ae just so funny!

I found Rhett and Link through my brother. He showed me the YO MAMA BATTLE (of Compliments) video. That was our mothers day gift that year :) After that I just started watching all their videos, subscribed, and never looked back :)

I saw their collab with matthew santoro and started watching them
I'm pretty sure it was the ghost pepper episode but I didn't get into GMM immediately. After that I stumbled upon the Carolina reaper episode and was absolutely hooked.
Oh that was awhile ago. I'm one of the original fans :) all the way back to when they made the video about the pillows and how they recorded it all backwards...even earlier than that. But my friend and I used to watch them and mystery guitar man at that time. Stuck with them ever since :)

I think I was looking at various "chili challenge" videos on YouTube when I stumbled upon their Ghost Pepper video. And then I just sort of... stuck around.

Many, many moons ago, young Bamblefluke was sitting there in his home, watching YouTube on his brother's laptop. A favorite YouTuber of his was Julian Smith. So, after many an hour of "Hot Kook-aid", "Malk", and "Techno Jeep", Bamblefluke stumbled upon a peculiar video that piqued the interest of the young, soon-to-be Mythical Beast: "My Hair Song" And by the grace of Chuck Testa, Bamblefluke clicked on the video, watched it through once, twice, fourteen times until every lyric was memorized. This sparked a sudden, overwhelming sense of happiness and joy in him, and from that moment forth, his life was driven and guided by Good Mythical Morning, the Rhett and Link channel, and the two men themselves. Bamblefluke would then go on to enter the life of fandom, longing to one day meet his two idols...then all would be at peace....

I found Rhett & Link when I was searching for a new YouTube channel to watch!!!

I found Rhett and Link by watching the video of them in the Taco Bell drive thru singing their very long order. At least I think that was my first video. That was around 4 years ago and off and on I began to watch their other music videos. I only began to get into GMM two years ago. I saw a few videos here and there but I only began watching every single day two years ago. If I miss a day of GMM my day just feels incomplete!

My Dad was the first person in my family to find Rhett & Link. At the time, my Dad was the only one who really was interested in browsing Youtube videos. As he was browsing one day he came across this video(Epic and Honest Mobile Home Commercial), which he showed to the rest of the family. A year or two after that I got more interested in Youtube and around the same time my sister found (and shared with me) Good Mythical Morning. So after that I became a casual watcher of their videos.

TL;DR My Dad found Rhett & Link first, but I didn't really start watching them until my sister found GMM.

I found them in the 2015 summer. I was watching PewDiePie, and he had linked the episode he was in. I'm so glad i checked that video out. Rhett and Link are my favourite youtubers now <3

well One day I was just browsing youtube and I found your channel so I clicked on one of your will it videos and when you guys ended that video I subscribed and until this day you guys always bring me happiness and when ever Im having a bad day you guys always cheer me up


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