
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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I was just browsing YouTube and found this wonderful show!!!

My daughter is a huge fan. She is a Vet Tech student (graduates in May) and gets up between 5:00 a.m. and 5:30 a.m. in the morning. I have to get up too because I am an educational assistant at the elementary school in our community, and I have to get ready to go to school too. April, my daughter, turns on YouTube almost every morning and we start our day with a hot cup of coffee, a lot of laughter, and GMM.

I found out on August 20 by my friend in NH about how hilarious these two guys were and how I HAD to watch them, so we went onto my youTube and we watched a video. I almost died laughing and personally I don't really watch youTube so this was very surprising to me. Ever since I watch that video I have been addicted and since I hadn't watch some of the later years I found myself sitting and watching hours of the videos ever since I loved them and what they do and hope that they continue doing this because I appreciate that they take their free time to give me a smile. :D  

My friend told me about Rhett and link at a sleepover.
Well I was just browsing through and accidentally clicked how to turn your furby evil and they had interesting videos i watched every other one on Good Mythical Morning and most On their other channels
2 years ago I just touch an episode without thinking because I was so bored that time.. the first episode that I watched was WILL IT ICE-CREAM SANDWITCH. It was sooo hilarious. HAHAHA. And everytime I am bored I will thinking of GMM episode.

A friend told me I should watch them. I watched several in one night, and then after that for a couple of months I watched a couple every now and then. I stopped watching for a year and a half, but then was reminded of them by something in my daily life. I went back and now I watch daily. I've sent mail to them and they've opened it (Chinese Kinder Eggs, that was an awesome day).

Go R&L!!!

I was introduced to Rhett and Link back in July 2015, on the day that I'd graduated from university! It was a busy day, my family had come by to congratulate me and one of my cousins was begging me like crazy to watch 'retanlink' (I did not know what that meant or what she was saying when she said it) on my phone. I almost didn't listen to her because I was so flustered and had so much to do! I'm so glad I gave in to her because Good Mythical Morning has been a part of my daily routine since and can't imagine how my days would have gone without it!

I Came across them on their main channel because I was searching up random things and I searched Bacon and I found there video rub some bacon on it and found GMM and watched their videos!

I might have watched some of the music videos a long time ago just finding them on random sites and things of that sort, but the first thing i watched that from Rhett and Link that I can remember and made me watch more of them was the McRib video from GMM. I loved the format and the chemistry between them so I just kept watching GMM.

Their "Will It Deep Fry?" video cropped up as a suggested video based on other things I'd watched on Youtube so I gave it a go and laughed. Out loud, Not an obligatory "lol" you give on Facebook whilst remaining stoney-faced. Actual, audible laughter.

I was a wee child some time around the beginnings of YouTube (it was actually 2009 and I was 12) the crayon color song was trending and I really enjoyed it. I didn't become a following fan until about half a year ago but I have always been a subscriber to their main channel. 


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