
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Squinchilla here and I have come to end the recent slew of food-related questions (that I might've started and if so I'm sorry)!

I'm curious about this, since it's Back To School time and I'm starting to actually, horror of horrors, miss school...  Growing up, what did you want to be?  Was there a certain occupation that you dreamt of having for years and years?  And, related to that, why did you decide to go for engineering degrees?

I ask because, growing up, I always wanted to be a writer/actress.  And I got my degree in English because I still want to be a writer/actress (but mostly writer).  Did you want to be for-serious engineers, or was it (like it is for a lot of kids) something that seemed like a good idea at the time?

*gets pen and paper at the ready for your answers*

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Good question Sara! Thank you for putting an end to the the food questions... it was beginning to make us Mythical Beasts seem like nothing but oinkers. ; )

When I was little I wanted to be 'an artist', which I guess is panning out in some form or another! While I may be no Rembrandt, next year I start cosmetology school, and I suppose making people look hawt will be my art form! ; ) Beyond that I always wanted to be a mommy... which is definitely a 'job' in my book.
i wanted to be one of the ppl who worked at Lego Land making all he cool Lego stuff


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