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what is your favorite tree? if you can't think of one just find the closest tree and tell me what that is

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Hey Jack! Rhett answered this question in the B.E.A.S.T. Kast on 4/1/10. http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/5888844

And believe it or not, they do come and read the Burning Questions forum. So don't worry, they have seen your question! You don't need to ask more than once. Thanks for participating in the Kommunity! :)
Thanks for posting the link Teresa!

Teresa U - Twin Phoenix - TnT said:
Hey Jack! Rhett answered this question in the B.E.A.S.T. Kast on 4/1/10. http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/5888844 And believe it or not, they do come and read the Burning Questions forum. So don't worry, they have seen your question! You don't need to ask more than once. Thanks for participating in the Kommunity! :)


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