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What are your favorite songs Mine Is Hey Jude by the beatles

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I usually pick favorite artists instead of favorite songs, and that question was answered in an earlier "burning question" a few months back...hope that helps!
okay. TODAY, my favorite song is:
Saturday Nite by Blitzen Trapper
have you heard "Sleepytime in the Western World" ?

Link (Chiasquatch) said:
okay. TODAY, my favorite song is:
Saturday Nite by Blitzen Trapper
yeah, i've got the album. purty good, huh? what's your favorite?

Charbel (Randler Wolf) said:
have you heard "Sleepytime in the Western World" ?

Link (Chiasquatch) said:
okay. TODAY, my favorite song is:
Saturday Nite by Blitzen Trapper
Yeah Furr is cool. My favorite song in the album is sleepytime in the western world, though saturday night is catching up to Lady on the Water :D
Silver Moon (it's not in Furr) is my all-time favorite from Blitzen Trapper
Have you heard of the band Powderfinger?

Link (Chiasquatch) said:
yeah, i've got the album. purty good, huh? what's your favorite?

Charbel (Randler Wolf) said:
have you heard "Sleepytime in the Western World" ?

Link (Chiasquatch) said:
okay. TODAY, my favorite song is:
Saturday Nite by Blitzen Trapper

My top three in no particular order:

"Don't Stop Me Now" by Queen.

"Little Games" by The Colourist.

"Young Volcanoes" by Fall Out Boy.

I like Taylor Swift songs. But my favorite song (today) would have to be Truck Yeah by Tim McGraw. I love country.    Here is the link to the song:


Other than Nila Wafer Top Hat Time... it would have to be Birdland, by Weather Report.  You know how sometimes there's this one song that coincidentally comes into your life at weird times?  Birdland was that song for me.

But I also like Friend of the Devil, by the Grateful Dead 

my favorite song is Death of the robot with the robot with the human hair by dance gavin dance its and real song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brslbdZvL_0

and y favorite Rhett and Link song is My OCD


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