
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

After having watched Looking for Ms. Locklear i was really moved. It was a really bittersweet documentary and i loved the way it rekindled childhood memories, there were some really powerful moments captured there. I thought it would be a fun idea if there were some sort of "event" where mythical beasts filmed and submitted reunions with elementary school teachers and either  thanked them for something they did, or presented them with a homemade gift. It's scary enough to be a challenge, but special enough to warm mythical hearts. Nothing brightens someone's day like being told they've had a positive influence on others. I'm just so inspired by the film because there aren't enough pieces of media that inspire others to do good and i almost feel like everyone should make a similar opportunity for themselves.

Just food for thought.


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I don't think any of my former teachers are still teaching at my school here. :( But I did tell my dad that I want to go back and visit my elementary school, so maybe I can find someone... Maybe at least my music teacher? (I went to three separate elementary schools, because I moved so much. My first grade teacher was in Alabama. 0_0 All I remember is that she looked just like Pearl Bailey. My parents agree.)

However, almost three years ago, my best friend (who happens to be 7 inches taller than me*) and I did go back and reunite with our favorite high school teacher, our French teacher, Mr. Fitzgerald. :) And if that's not the least-sounding French name, I don't know what is. Hahaha. That was pretty cool. He gave us hugs and French pins, and we wrote him a song (no we didn't.)

He's friends with me on Facebook now. :)

*Okay, that's just freaky, if you think about it too much. Don't think about it too much.
I had the best Kindergarten teacher. I would love to see him again.
My momma was my first grade teacher! I see her every day! ;)
Awesome! My mom was my gifted 3rd grade teacher!

Tylar (Tylwyth Teg) said:
My momma was my first grade teacher! I see her every day! ;)
me and my bestfriend since 2nd grade are going to see our teachers soon i'm pretty sure they're all in the same school still. i have to make her watch the movie it reminds me of something we would do :)
It would be amazing to see my kindergarten and 3rd grade teachers again. They were brilliant.
I really like this idea!

Living in a small town, I still bump into my teachers from time to time. My elementary school teachers, while all great people, were not the most influential in my life. My favorite teacher was my journalism teacher, Mrs. Davis, who also hosted our Bible study group. She recently moved 3 hours away, but we still keep in contact with each other.
Where can you find the movie?
They recently put it up on YouTube. 

Eddie said:
Where can you find the movie?
That might be okay but I had seriously bad luck with the teachers I got and not just because they were strict. Like my 3rd grade teacher got mad at me when I got sick and threw up on my desk. She actually made me sit in a corner  on a stool and watch the janitor clean up the mess.


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