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EMERGENCY - - votes needed for R&L in unknown contest - - VOTE NOW & VOTE OFTEN ! ! !

There is a little known contest on Canadian TV - - R&L's T-Shirt Wars video are in the finals but unfortunately voting ends today and they're only in 3rd place.




Nothing in the rules says you can't vote more than once, and the poll allows multi-votes.  I just voted about 75x myself. In fact, I can't even find any rules . . . so not really sure exactly when the voting ends. All I know for sure is that R&L are not winning yet and we need to get the vote on!


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I did as much as they would let me. They eventually stopped me cuz i did too much. I'll come back later and do some more!!! VOTE PEOPLE!!!!
Been voting and voting. need sleeeeeEEEEEEeeeeeEEEEeeeeeepppppp.
7AM Saturday Morning - - - VOTING IS STILL ON!

I cast an extra 50 before getting locked out again. I'm out for the day, but these guys might have the poll site live all the way thru the show at 6:30 Ottawa (Kanata - Orléans) time.

Wait, its still going on AND theyre in first!!!!! CLICK CLICK CLICK!!!
where winning!! woot heck yah wooooooooot
I'm the 7,700th vote! They have it in the bag!
Already done it sooo many times!
WERE wining yeah voting more
Yeah they are winning! Keep voting!
i think we all know i was there that night lol
Congrats to everyone who helped vote. We got them to win!


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