
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

     Hey guys, I was wondering if any of you mythical beasts have an implanted defibrillator or pacemaker. If you do or know someone who does, would you care to share your story of how and why you got one and your adventures (for lack of a better words) in life with said device.

     I got a defibrillator when I was 14. I am currently 27 and have a few stories growing up with it.

     So, as a freshman in high school, we had to run the mile for our final exam, or something of that nature.  As we were practicing for it, my body decided to not work and crumple right on the track, right in front of a group of people, and have a heart attack (more or less).  Luckily the high school I went to was the only one in the county (New Hanover in Wilmington, NC) that carried a portable defibrillator and that is the only reason I am alive today, that and the swift actions of my P.E. teacher, coach Gale (shout out).

     When I was first implanted with this defibrillator I was angry at the world. Why me? Why this? It sucked.  Over the years I learned to accept it and make it apart of my identity.  I use "Defib" as a handle in most video games I play, and when I was walking down the aisle to receive my HS diploma, a couple of my buddies, Cory and Anthony, were chanting it over and over. I only realized this when I watched the video back years later at a family reunion. It had defined a part of my life and now I cannot see myself with out this slab of metal in my chest

     That is my initiation story to my world of ICDs. Please, comment and share your stories and let us try to build a kommunity where we can share our experiences, questions, trials, and tribulations together to foster a stronger kommuntiy and learn from one another.

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     Maybe Rhett and Link can do an episode about ICDs or just mention them in an episode? Although I have not done my research, I am sure there are some interesting facts about them! Just food for thought.


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