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My husband and I are teachers.  We teach 7th-12th graders at an international school in Bangkok.  Lately, a bajillion detentions have been earned by students and we have NO CLUE what to have them do after school for 40 minutes.


So far we've had them color unicorns, wash the whiteboard, wash desks, and straighten my college info stuff. 

So, please, any amazingly wonderful detention ideas? 

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You'll have to pardon my interruption....but I would suggest you have them do something creative; that is, have them do something that forces them to create. I know detention is supposed to be punitive, but if you make them create something, then you're kind of turning the bad thing they did to earn detention into something good.

And "creative" can range from having them write a song together to brainstorming ways to help the less fortunate people in the community. Who knows what could end up coming out of detention?
Hey, just to let you know, I'm going to move this over to the General Discussion forum.
I just re-read this... you are in Bangkok... I am in Bangkok... I will continue this on your profile!
Thanks! Those are great ideas. Most of the time we spend the time talking with them about why they earned a detention and what could change. I think we will be implementing your ideas soon!


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