
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Hello everybody, 

I would love to see the Commercial Kings but since I'm from Europe, I can't rent it on Amazon or buy it on iTunes (which just drives me mad - I would love to pay 25 dollars to see the whole season - but noo, I'm not from the US!). I was wondering if anyone could help me out? Is it available somewhere on the internet? (yes, I tried torrents but there are no seeds). Maybe someone has these episodes on their computer and would be willing to share with me?:)

Thank you for any advice!


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I don't know of any official ways for you to see it. But...

Pssst! I know a guy.

Try this link to  an episode: 


and I had another, but it might  have been taken down. And the quality is terrible for bootleg videos, I don't like them. But It's super unfair that you can't watch it.

I've been wanting to ask this same question. Unfortunately iTunes doesn't make Commercial Kings available to Canada either :( I would buy it in a heartbeat!

I'm no help on a full episode, but here is the playlist for various short segments on the official IFC youtube channel . . . http://www.youtube.com/user/ifc/search?query=rhett


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