
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Hey Everyone,

In order to be in the running for winning the Audio Entry Prize what you need to do is attach your audio entry to this discussion. I will add links to the bottom of this discussion so everyone will have one place to hear all the entries.We wouldn't want to miss your contribution because it's only on your profile page.

So here is what we are looking for

1. Your Audio entry is attached to this discussion.

2. The tags for your entry have to have CBE and 80s it can have more but those two tags need to be there EDIT: in order to "Tag" an audio entry it has to be somewhere in the title of it.

if there's any problems please leave a comment, I and the other mods are here to help and make this an enjoyable experience

Here's the Entries:

Chris - Me and the King (RIP Michael)
Justin Henry - I Miss the 80's
Ben Burton - No Rainbows at 33
John Stratman - The A-Team
Ben Burton - He Man Has The Power
JJIZZLE - Boss Of Me (By They Might Be Giants)
Paul Dufilho - Bring Em Back
Ben Burton - MJ Packed Up All In My Brain (V2)
Anton - 80's Ditty
DanTheMontageMan - I Love Rhett And Link
K Overfield - Rubiks Cube Song
Paul Turner - Hanging Out With The Goonies
RaquelTWG - (Gaby) Dont Stop Believing

This Discussion has been closed by Mikequad. Thank you EVERYONE who replied and commented in here

Views: 243

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Replies to This Discussion

There are different ways of doing it. You could burn it do a disk, then import into itunes having selected mp3 as the default file type. There are a number of apps out there that do file conversion. Not too sure about Mac apps, though. Just do a search. Other audio mixing programs besides Garageband will export your music as mp3. You can always download a 30 trial of something. Upload what you did in Garageband into it, then export to mp3.
You upload audio to the forum the same way you uploaded your zip file. Also, on your profile page, there should be a section called 'My Music' where you can add your music there, as well.
All right, y'all, here's my song dedicated to the greatest cartoon ever created. It's less depressing than the last song I submitted, so I hope more people will like this one.

Posted on my profile here: http://rhettandlink.ning.com/profile/BenBurton
VERY COOL BEN im diggin that lol
Well done my good man...I really enjoyed it
Way to go, man. I loved Malcolm in the Middle and that song is a classic!
Hi, all. I have written a song titled "Bring 'em Back". It makes a call to our 80's heritage and urges all who hear it to return to those things that made life good, simple and sweet, all to the style of british pop. Hope you enjoy!! Here's my site http://rhettandlink.ning.com/profile/PaulDufilho
Sorry, I forgot to attach my song as well.
Nicely done, Paul. I definitely hear the Oingo Boingo influence in there.

With your song and your brother's video, your family is running away with this contest on all fronts!
Wow! I was wondering where Ric Okasek and David Byrne had been!
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you crack me up Lynn.
Sorry, but I'm not quite sure if I put the correct tags in as far as "CBE" and "80s". Can someone help me out with this?


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