Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!
What is your guys favorite GMM? Give any reason's you have that make it your favorite. I think my favorite GMM is probably when they get waxed because their reactions are sooooooo good or the Ghost pepper challenge because there is just something about watching people in pain for intanertainment that is just so funny.
The Safest Way to Walk. It has to be one of the funniest episodes ever. Nothing says safety like jazz hands.
I still laugh so hard at this episode! and the jazz hands are the highlight
My favorite was when they tried to make themselves cry. I couldn't stop laughing when they were making the loud crying noises. It was by far the funniest I've seen to date, however it's subject to change since I just recently found them and I have to watch all the seasons.
YES! I love that ep!
The "I'm a snake" fiasco! My kids and I still say it!
I like the Safest Way To Walk , Will it Taco, Ghost Pepper Challenge, Best Movie Theme Song, Walmart Taste -Test The Game, Lets just say I like almost all of them ;)
The best ever in my opinion is the Walmart taste test. I dont know. I loved their reactions. And i loved had bad Link is. Really really fun episode!
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