
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

I lost my dad last January from a heart attack. It was so sudden, just only a couple hours before i was making tea for him and asking what how his day went. I went home after that (my house is next door to my parents. )
3 am my brother called for me to come over, crying that he stopped breathing. I saw my mom crying hugging him. We rushed to the ER, i was holding his cold body with my arms on the backseat. We got to the hospital but it was too late.

Since then I feel so empty and lost.
Recently few months ago, I discovered GMM video about eating ghost chili pepper. I laughed and started watching every episode.

Rhett and Link, maybe you just doing the videos because you like it and have fun. But you have save my life. I'm just some girl living across the globe from you, yet you have safe my life.
Your videos has given me laughter and happiness. Everyday I wake up looking forward to watch your video. From the positivity i have received from your videos, i'm able to pick up myself and walk forward again.
Thank you so much for making videos everyday for us, mythical beast. Thank you for filling our days with laughter.
God bless you guys, I hope you guys and family and the crew will always be filled with happiness and laughter everyday as you did to us. :)

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