
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

I've noticed a Couple of things Within my own Kommunity of recently. 1) The enormous Amount of Parks in my area, 2) The Giant amounts of Trash in these Beautiful parks and just Around my friendly Neighborhood in general. I'm not exactly the Perfect environmentalist myself but It bothers me that The state/county pays Money (from our Tax dollars) to Build a nice, Family friendly park and then people come along and Ruin it. And I mean but Literal trash AND vandalism here. 

So here's my challenge for Everyone out there: For three days out of every Month (and it Doesn't have to be consecutive), take A walk around and Simply clean up Your neighborhood. Bring friends and get them involved. Let's Make this BIG. If you'd like, post some before and after Pictures to show what a Huge difference It makes. I'm looking forward to seeing Some decrease in Worldsuck and your Results. Change starts Now!

                     Good luck and DFTBA!

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