Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!
I've got two questions for y'all Mythical Beasts out there -
To maybe help the first two questions - Is it OK for a Mythical Beast to prefer one over the other (out of Rhett & Link) publicly? & Is it OK for a Mythical Beast to have a least favourite episode of GMM publicly? - By publicly, I mean commenting on YouTube or something and being like "I love Rhett. He's my bae. He's the best" or "This episode sucked. It's my least favourite by far"
Very interesting and thought-provoking questions! These are my favorite kind of discussions. :)
I try my hardest to avoid commenting anything preferential to Rhett or Link. First, it's rude to publicly diss someone just because you're more attracted to the other person they happen to be around. Rhett and Link are together so much it's hard to remember that they're individual people and shouldn't always be compared to each other. Second, I don't believe that beasts should direct so much crush to them in the first place. I keep myself aware that Rhett and Link have wives who I imagine must struggle knowing that there's people all over the world crushing on their husbands. I think it's more appropriate to comment on their work, accomplishments, etc. Rhett and Link have fabulous personalities (and are very attractive!), so it's no wonder that beasts would try to pick sides and have crushes, but I would try to keep my admiration more respectful than "claiming" Rhett or Link as "my favorite."
I don't see anything wrong with having a least favorite episode of GMM, but making that public on the internet can be a bit tricky. Most of the time, reading a comment gives me no context as to why they didn't like it. Maybe it would be helpful if beasts approached an episode as a creative work from Rhett and Link. Sometimes I think that beasts (and I know I've done this) feel like they can say whatever they want just because they watch. But in reality, it's mythical entertainment's work; it's their art. If I didn't like the work, I should have a reason for my criticism if I comment.
True words, Sarah! I honestly haven't viewed their show as "art" before, perhaps maybe 'cause I don't know exactly how they see it, like if I knew exactly what it means to them when they use a certain camera or screen or shot, etc, I might view it more in an artistic way. Instead, I see in my mind where the level of comedy or informative material is within each episode and rate it that way, the more entertaining, the higher respect I have for that episode, I guess.
1. Personally, I think it's okay to. I don't pick between the two because I admire both of them for different reasons and they both tend to balance out. I actually have friends that I have been around (I have witnessed this) that will go up to people they just met or don't even know (if they're brave enough) and tell them that they look amazing or handsome or pretty, etc, just to say it, just to make that person feel great about themselves. It's pretty awesome!
I can see how people like Link for your reasons. He does seem to maybe act more in a way that resembles a young child or young adult, so people may be attracted to that. And people may be attracted to Rhett for his way of thinking or different outlook on certain subjects. But Link also has interesting views on things as well. People have different attraction levels to people, so I can't speak for them, but I would understand their point of view for as many episodes and videos I've watched of the two men. They just give so much of their personalities to the viewer that if you watch enough episodes or videos of them, you get to know them and you just figure out what you like about them. It's just like if you were dating someone for the first time, the more time you spend talking/learning about them, the more you pick out what you like about them, and that can even change over time, too, because you may find more or different things you like about them.
Omg, I can't believe that was really long, but that's my view on that. I'm not a psychologist by any means, but after using social media for so long, I can only point out what I'm seeing. :)
Publicly, I think it depends on how it's said or addressed, like if you say "Link looked cute in today's episode" in a comment or your social media of choice's feed, I think that's pretty safe.
But if it's directly said to Rhett & Link themselves by any means, even through Jen or their main social media outlets, I don't encourage that out of respect for them and their families, and even their employees. Like, I cannot stand it when Rhett or Link made a post from their personal twitter accounts & someone says "DAD" or something along those lines that indicates their attraction to them, even though they have the right to say that (free speech and all), I just think it's disrespectful in a way, but I've seen a lot worse and even on other celebrities' accounts. Not much you can about it sometimes, but I respect the men more not to say something like that. But that's just my opinion.
2. Yes, I think so. I think I do, or at least, I have some lesser favorite episodes that I've seen over time where the show wasn't a really stand-out kind of episode. (I haven't seen all of them, or nearly all the episodes yet, so I can't say if I have an official least favorite. I only joined in during season 8 and am still catching up).
I remember I was personally uncomfortable during this season's (9) "love week," simply because there were certain moments throughout the week where even though I watched them all, I felt like I couldn't watch the episodes at all and I considered stopping entirely and just leaving GMM, or at least taking a long break. It affected me hard, and I was surprised from that because I was not ready to see what I saw or hear what I heard and what I did see and hear made me uncomfortable. During the week that followed, I was still kind of on edge while watching, but I kept trying to remind myself that there may be moments I will not like, but I have to keep watching because I support the show and what it means. Luckily, the episodes calmed down a bit and I felt better. There are still some moments even now that make me cringe a little, but I'm not taking them in as hard as I did in "love week." It also helps that there are plenty of other viewers to talk about episodes with, so we all kinda help each other.
But publicly, I think it's perfectly fine if a viewer says they don't like an episode. I think it gives, or at least I hope it gives, them feedback on what the public is liking and not liking, and it's more respected if there are legitimate reasons present. And as long as the comment is not disrespectful or blatantly rude and undermines other people in a destructive way about their opinions.
Sorry so long :(
What parts of Love Week made you uncomfortable?
I wasn't too fond of it either but at least we got this out of it
The Song for When was great. It was all the obvious "rhinky" stuff they played on. Like the car scene. I was in total shock. Even though I know they can do whatever they want and they can act out anything they want, I was just taken back by it. That was the hitter for me as a viewer of this season.
I barely could stand the end of the First Date Farts. It had a nice concept but just no
Is it ok to have prefer one over the other? Absolutely yes.
Is it ok to comment their videos stating how much one of them is better than the other? Not at all.
We have to clarify though that when you judge someone as an artist or entertainer you shouldn't take in consideration their faces or appearance.
If we talk about their work I appreciate them both the same way, they balance each other out perfectly and they wouldn't be that good without each other. However I must admit that, as a woman, I feel sometimes more attracted to one over the other, but that is about their personalities and it has nothing to do with their work, therefore I just try to keep it for myself.
I think they would want us to comment their contents and not their bodies, but that's just my personal opinion.
I mean, there's nothing wrong with commenting with "This GMM was great and Rhett looked cute in that sweater", but just commenting "Link is more handsome than Rhett" or in general comments only about their look would be disrespectful towards their work and the effort they put in GMM.
Is it ok to have a favourite or least favourite episode of GMM? Absolutely yes.
I don't see why that could be wrong in any way. Thinking that an episode is better than others doesn't mean you don't appreciate all the other episodes and at the same time thinking that one episode is worse doesn't mean you're "betraying" Rhett and Link, it just means that everybody likes different things. And we should be free to share that with them in the comments in a polite way, like "I didn't like this episode too much because of this and this reason" and not "this episode sucks, you shouldn't do this".
Just, let's be always respectful. They read the comments and they're humans.
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