
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Congrats on breaking 100,000 subscribers on YouTube!!!!! We are proud of you guys!!

Write something to Rhett and Link to celebrate this glorious achievement!

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Yay!! Congratulations on 100,000 subscribers, Rhett and Link! Your videos just keep getting better and better! Keep up the great work! Won't be too long until you have one MILLION subscribers, in my opinion. =)
Congrats guys! You deserve an award and if I could hand you one I would :) But you have earned every one of those subscribers and I hope they keep coming :) Well done, gents :D
We are so proud of you guys!
When we first met you, 11 months ago.
You two had 20,000 subscribers, I say we're good luck...but that's just me ;)
You guys have completely made us laugh our faces off time, and time again!
We are so thankful to have friends like yourselves.
In no time now you'll be flying(Or teleporting) Y'alls way to 1,000,000, and then billions, and then: Pretty soon you will have taken over the entire world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Which was my plan all along!)
Congratulations, we love you guys!!!!!!!

Your friends, fans, and kommunity family members,
-Aly and Cate(Yes we sit perpendicular to our names)
So, Rhett and Link, a name burnt into the minds of of humor hungering people. We wait with anxiety for the next song, there is a hole in our soul the shape of a R&L logo (That's a quote from a song,) We your faithful fans now congratulate you of this formerly thought impossible feat. We would wait in a very very long line just for you to sign our T-shirts, we thank you for being so devoted to your fans and for a constant stream of laughs for us, even if delivered by older songs. You guys rock, like the 80's.

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! ************************************************************
Congrates on the 100,000th subscribers. Keep making good clean videos and they will keep subscribing...
My 8 year old asks me every day to watch the fireworks video.
If I had a nickel for every time somebody subscribed to their channel...I'd have about $5015.95.




You've both earned each and every one of those subscribers...thanks for doing what you do!
Way to go guys! Keep it goin'... now let's shoot for google subscibers! (hey, it was a number first, you know)
The joy of internetainment is spreading! Soon the Mythical Beasts shall rule the world!

Congrats, guys!
Great work Rhett and Link!(in tune of happy birthday) HAPPY 100,000 SUBS TO YOU! HAPPY 100,00o SUBS TO YOU! HAPPY 100,000 SUBS TO YOU RHETT AND LINKKKK! HAPPY 100,000 SUBS TO YOU!
Oh, Rhett Rhett Rhett.
Oh, Link Link Link.
This is truly a day we shall all remember in RhettandLink history. From the Unibrow Song to the Live on the Internet, you genuinely deserve every ounce of respect you receive plus so much more. Congratz!

Get the Beast out!


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