
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

[CLOSED] Let's name the GMM cockatrice! Leave your suggestions!

It was YOUR mythical suggestions that led to the terms "mythical beast" and the Kommunity mascot's name, "The Randler."  

Now, let's hear your ideas for what we should name the GMM cockatrice.  GO!


Lysh Fish has set up a ballot / poll for the name suggestions already posted in this discussion.

It allows only one vote per user and can be reached at: 


Thanks Lysa!  Post your poll results in this discussion on Sunday and we'll factor that in to our decision, okay?

I'll plan on CLOSING this discussion Sunday night (Sept 16th 2012), so let your voice be heard now!  Then, we'll announce our pick in an upcoming GMM episode...most likely next Friday's episode.


Views: 7535

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Because, well, Phillip.

Ignacio sounds like it come frim the word ignite, which is like lighting something on fire. The Cockatrice breaths fire, so Ignacio only seems fitting...

Ignacio is a male Spanish name originating either from the Roman family name Egnatius (meaning unknown)  or from the Latin name "Ignatius" derived from the word "ignis" meaning "fire".  

This was the name of several saints, including the third bishop of Antioch (who was thrown to wild beasts by emperor Trajan) and Saint Ignatius of Loyola.   Variants include the archaic Iñacio, and the diminutives Nacho, Iñaki, Íñigo, Iggy, and Iggie.

Sir Bedivere the Cockatrice

I don't have a name suggestion, but to decide the name, you should put all of the entries on the wheel of mythicality, and spin to decide.

I've been looking around and I have no idea! It's hard to choose something that is so... vague. I would have to go for either Isaiah, Belvedare or Quincy.

Richie is ok too.

Gilgamesh. or Gideon. maybe even Godfrey.

haha Gilgamesh is awesome -- I mean epic, like his poem.  Mythical indeed.    You have given me an idea.....

whatdya say we take the names that don't win and have our resident artists draw some of them?  Maybe to use as MB avatars, should anyone want one.  There are too many good names!  We need to bring some of them to life.

Plumpy. After the green fat mythical creature ( I think it was a troll ) that we all despised in our kindergarten Candy Land days, but we will love Plumpy the cockatrice! Unless he is evil...
Arty the cockatrice!


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