
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Seriously...pick one and only one, as of today. We know the next one will automatically become your new favorite the moment it is released!

Me? It's "The BBQ Song," since that was my introduction to them. Wait, maybe it's...nah, I'll stick.

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Space Junk
Encyclopedia Rap
Facebook Song
Surrogate Sharers: Bad breath.

it's a toss up between those four.
I gotta go with Shamwow. I love the powerful build-up at the end.
the "halloween controversy" video.

i just love the interaction between each other on this one. plus it showcases a little of their amazing singing and dancing skills.
Can I list non-music videos? Their trip to Compton - never gets old!
"Maine Man"

That's my favorite video (until I change my mind).
I think, for me, it's a tie between the BBQ Song and the Starburst Dating Advice Video.... which, I just checked, doesn't seem to be available anymore. :( Sad day....

Anyway, you can ask my friends, I LOVE BBQ... I've been obsessed with it since the song!!! :)
Guacamole, no wait! Phatdippin! or the drive thru folk song. Just the fact that the guy gets every thing right!! Hes got skill.
I know I already replied, but I do have to give props to the "Wolfpack or Tarheels" video (both of them) and the "Credit/Debit Card Song" ... I am always singing that song!!

My Wolfpack club is better than yours. And we were at the Wolfpack Stadimen.

I am amazed that I have not read of anyone who really loves the Buffet song. Maybe it is my personal aversion to buffets that draws me to this tune. When I watch them and the lovely diners they interview, I begin to realize why I avoid this specific genre of culinary wonder. But then again, Shamwow is why I became attracted to these guys. Ahhhh...Rhett and Link, genius.
SO MANY FAVORITES!!! *sigh* Well, I'd have to go with the ShamWow song. That was my intro to them as well.

Honorable mentions:
Space Junk
In the 80's
All Rising (Alexis Cohen Tribute)
Lonely Sad Little Water Dispensing Tab

The list goes on... =D
Fast Food Folk Song <3
The Cheese Rap; The Invisible Bed Fence; Maine Man; Facebook; Robot Girlfriend


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