Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!
While posting WELKOMM notes today for new kommunity members, I happened to notice that there were three new mythical beasts named Emily who had joined in a relatively short time.
At first I thought that it was just an odd coincidence, maybe unusual but nothing to become alarmed over . . . but a tiny bit of research has revealed they are only the latest wave in the recent flood of these creatures which call themselves "EMILY" that are infiltrating the kommunity in alarming proportions.
It would appear that the komm is slowly but systematically being overtaken by a horde of these cunning creatures! While most Emilies continue to conceal their true identity, hoping to blend into the general komm population by posing as a generic RandLer type, others have been so bold as to place photo images of themselves.
Or is this really them at all?
Notice below that at least two of the Emilies appear to be two-headed. Yet others disguise themselves as time travelling, humanoid aliens (a.k.a. "timelord") of the non-Fe-Mell gender. And yet others have deceitfully shape shifted into a canine or tree rodent or other indigenous animal species.
And that's just on the first page. I don't even know how to begin to describe this:
So today there were only 3 new Emilies . . . but my preliminary investigative work indicates that they have stealthily grown a komm population in excess of 250 . . . and nobody knows for sure how many are going under false identities. In the coming weeks I plan to apply for public grant money to fund an expanded research expedition into the wilds of the kommforest to determine what (if any) threat these Emilies pose to our safety and mythical well being.
Kommunity take note . . .
they dwell amongst us!
My extensive research utilizing numerology, biblical studies and SWAG* methodology indicates that we have now reached the halfway point. Over 333 Emilies exist in the kommunity today. When the number reaches 666 you can expect the EMILYPOCALYPSE to commence in earnest.
* sophisticated wild ass guess
BONUS POINTS to the first MB that identifies the movie reference here.
Can't believe my luck! It's been nearly two months and the bonus points are still unclaimed! I now claim these bonus points by identifying the movie reference as being from Ghostbusters!
P.S. I hope Link can forgive me now that I have outed myself as a movie quoter.
but that's even worse! it means that the Kevin army has grown so strong that now they have an entire army for themself!
My entire city is ready for battle! None stand a chance!
HAHAHA. This is quite a funny post... Especially the blues clues Emily
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