
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Gisela Lamont (Unizamander)
  • Female
  • United States
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Gisela Lamont (Unizamander)'s Friends

  • Andrew (Baba Yaga)
  • Nicky Dolan (Platycorn)
  • Ezekiel (stuffydragon)
  • Nicolette Lottie
  • Mackenna (pandragon)
  • Sarah
  • Irish Peanut Poop Pot (Amanda)
  • Abigail
  • Caleb(Zunbera-bō)
  • François Fillon
  • Natalie (Natalie)
  • Jessi Foster (Directioner)
  • Emily Weasley (Quazarizemakof)
  • Em Lamont(NinjaSquid)
  • Zee (Baconhawk) Platinum



Hey look that picture's gone now

Well anyways, in case you couldn't tell, I'm Gisela.

I play guitar and sing in my closet because 1. them's good acoustics and 2. because I think that no one can hear me in there, even though they can.

I love Harry Potter, Doctor Who, most Cartoon Network shows, Rhett and Link, actually just YouTube in general, music, books, writing, and bands.

Also, I love the Internet and spend way too much time on it.

I have been called many things: hipster, emo, weird, a freak, and a nerd, amongst other names.

But I consider myself a human being.

I have awesome, crazy friends that you'll find yelling on the chat here and annoying the heck out of everyone. Scared? You should be.

My hair defies GRAVITY! It's pretty special :3

Also, I do smiley faces backwards because I'm spayshul and because the face thingies on the chat are sucky

... all right well unless I think of anything more interesting to say, I guess this is bye for now.


Gisela Lamont (Unizamander)'s Blog

Komma Drama Rama

Posted on December 11, 2011 at 9:51pm 0 Comments

*sorry about the horribly cheesy title*

Seriously, can we STOP the stupid komm drama?

It's the reason I left for a while and now that I come back, it's worse than ever.

Can we PLEASE just stop it?

Please everyone?


Posted on October 29, 2011 at 2:03pm 1 Comment

you tell me i don't get the joke

but does it just mean that i am

a showoff

just looking for attention?

strange, but

for some reason

i don't find it very funny.

to others, i'm just...

Posted on October 28, 2011 at 7:32pm 0 Comments

a friend

an enemy

a daughter

a shoulder to cry on

an addition to an invite list

a nerd

a freak

a show off

a geek

a wannabe

a loser

a teacher's pet


too outspoken

too quiet

and many others

but among them

not a lover.



Posted on October 28, 2011 at 7:21pm 0 Comments

you're like a drug

can't get enough

even though I know you'll only break me in the end

and every time i overdose

and you kill me

i always come back to you again.


Comment Wall (54 comments)

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At 12:09pm on October 8, 2013,

and by "GATHER" you mean ? ? ? 

I'm here all the time

At 3:19pm on March 21, 2012,

At 8:28pm on March 19, 2012, Josh_blades said…

Hurry up and add me!! :p

At 2:23pm on March 13, 2012, Josh_blades said…

No it's Joshuablades2

At 5:17pm on March 10, 2012, Josh_blades said…

I did but I missed you

At 11:17am on March 9, 2012, Josh_blades said…


At 10:29am on February 3, 2012, Irish Peanut Poop Pot (Amanda) said…
At 12:45pm on January 27, 2012,

Your order is ready for pick-up.  Click image below to view all trading cards. UNIZAMANDER is #2 in the 2012 series and #59 overall.

At 11:42pm on January 10, 2012, Irish Peanut Poop Pot (Amanda) said…
At 5:06pm on January 10, 2012, Irish Peanut Poop Pot (Amanda) said…

look i have a whole bunch of mini sherlocks wHERE IS JOHN

just imagine playing like skyrim or something and watching sherlock climb across the top of the screen while you're like killing a wolf or something


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