


Dallas, TX

United States

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  • Darla-Leah Isaac

    Thank you!!!!

  • Amy.L

    thank youuu :) 

  • Jan "Jax" Cajthaml

    Thanks! That was very nice! :) Sadly,i didn'T found "Vítejte" because i am Czech,you know :)

  • Jan "Jax" Cajthaml

    Now it's PERFECT! :)

  • Crystal Welsh (Kappa)

    Thanks for the welcome!
  • Paula Rodriguez

    Thank you! ^_^ 

  • Angel Soultaker (Cheri Kass)

    Thank you.

  • Tardizooka) tardigrade+bazooka

    Howdy. That's actually what I was planning on doing. I'm going to use two gopro cams to shoot 220 fps clips of all the rockets I launch and cherry pick the best shots. So thanks for encouragement. I'l definitely let ya know when I get done with the finishing touches.
  • Meagn(Megaunicornberalion)

    Thanks for telling me I didn't really understand it
  • Meagn(Megaunicornberalion)


  • K-Mod

    Kevin (UniSeal)

    You know me too well! Thanks for the heads up. It was a nice little stroll through the past. Further comments noted on the discussion itself.

  • Corey Kramer (Ghost Chicken)

    I nearly missed it! Thanks for the heads up- I'm glad they got the box full of goodies okay!

  • Nightwing(classicgamer)

    Thank you for telling me how to do that.I didn't know how to and meant to find out soon.
  • Natalie (Super Cookie)

    Thank you Gumbo. Didn't need to read the Rhett and Link 101 as I have already binged on all of the GMMorning and GMMore, as well as their main channel. I appreciate it :)

  • BubbaSue42 (Bri)

    Thanks for this!

  • Emma R.

    Cool! Thank you!

  • Brian J. Hill

    Hi, I'm Brian. I'm responding to your post about my potentially spamy discussion. I'm not exactly sure what you want me to do. I can't reply to the thread as it is closed. Do you want me to just reply here or do you want me to edit the actual discussion? 

    If I need to edit the discussion, what do I need to add so it is not considered spam?


  • Haley Elizabeth Smith

    Thank you for welcoming me! I appreciate it! ^-^

  • K-Mod

    Victoria (Centauromadoose)

    Hey, do you think this counts towards Alexis' GMM mentions record? Wheel of Mythicality airs on the GMM channel, after all...

  • Lizzy Moon

    Thank you!!

  • Zebrakinola

    Quick question Gumbo: what ever happened to Jason the old camera guy? I know he left around the 430th episode. He was also dating Jenn so did they break up? I need to know!
  • Henrik (Fomorian)

    Thanks for the welcome :) 

  • Anna (Thatrandomlady)

    Wow it has been a long time. All of my old friends on the komm are on the MIA list from 3 years ago this is very sad. Also it is really cool that Rhett and Link recognized your awesomeness in the kommunity. Way to go!

  • Danny Orsic (Crazy Starfish)

    thanks a bunch

  • Tardizooka) tardigrade+bazooka

    Hi there. A while ago you asked me to post a video of my gmm themed rocket launchers. I am still working hard on getting the right video shots. I have a few more launches and some editing to do but it should be completed in about 2 weeks. I was hoping to ask if you know which way it would be best to send it and where to? Do you personally know if it would be better just to send a memory stick with the files straight to R&L P.O. box along with the two handmade wooden boxes I'm sending, or to email the files and send the boxes seperately? Or upload the videos on my R&L page? Your feedback would be greatly appreciated. Question for you personally. Your a dude...did you see how my rockets are wired with microswitches and batteries in order to get them to ignite their motors in mid air? I've looked everywhere on the internet and as far as I know, this is the first time any civilian has accomplished it. Or at least filmed it.
  • Lena (Will o the Wisp)

    Thanks @gumbo123
    Quite helpful :)
  • Cylina (Eternal Phoenix)

    haha! thats cool! thanks! :D

  • Elizabeth (Winged Pink Cat-bear)

    Thanks so much for the help getting started! I had no idea what to do before. :D

  • Ed Deleon

    thanks for the warm welcome this helps so much!! :)

  • Rhiannon

    Thanks for the welcome! :)
    Looking forward to reading everything and properly getting started.

  • Kemi Ola (The Unipegacorn)

    I'm good. I've just been really busy with school. I updated WOM ending over the weekend.
  • Tardizooka) tardigrade+bazooka

    That was pretty funny. i think i can strap a rocket engine or two on a gift basket or a package of socks :)  and send em flying.  in the mean time, i might try to make a gift shooting tree at my house. 

  • Tardizooka) tardigrade+bazooka

    Hello gumbo..I noticed that the resolution of the clips I uploaded was degraded a little so I uploaded a 2 minute compilation of all the launches on YT. Just if ya wanna see it all in better rez. http://youtu.be/JqEahdV-dC8.

    In perpetuity,
  • Lara latham (caticorn)

    Thank you! Now i feel like a real mythical beast! :D
  • Tardizooka) tardigrade+bazooka

    Hi gumbo. Just wanted to let ya know I took all my little clips and the long clip of everything that didn't have the footage of all the GMM themed launchers in my living room and replaced it all with one long clip with everything in it and two individual ones of my intro and outro. When I replaced the clips it deleted the one u reposted.my bad:) I forgot that would happen. I just wanted to put my best foot forward. ~tardizooka
  • Zebrakinola

    Hey @Gumbo123. Quick question. How did come up with the name for the cockatrice? I know how to pronounce it but can't spell it, so if you can answer how you came up with it and how to spell it, that will be great. Thanks.
  • Sphox

    Thank you for the welcome!

  • Katerina- Eleni Savvaki

    Thank you so much for your help!
  • Zebrakinola

    Thanks for the answer, Gumbo123
  • sammy (dabears)

    Hey Gumbo! I don't mind at all that you have added that. I really appreciate it actually! Thank you for helping my group and thank you so much for joining! :)

  • Garrett Papit

  • Zebrakinola

    I know I ask a lot of questions but the answers you give are great
    Do Rhett and Link have an email? I don't have Twitter, Facebook, or Youtube account and I would like to ask them for advice

  • K-Mod

    Kevin (UniSeal)

    Since you wanted to know, here's that video I said was hopefully going to be out before the end of the year (barely made it, it seems). Something a little different just to try, which probably won't be that appealing to many others but me. Oh well.


  • Katie (DragonCornFox)

    Okay, thank you it is nice of you to help my understand how RP works in the Kommunity. I would love to RP on here someday but I must say I am still really confused on how it works on here, I guess I'll find out. Sorry for being a pain...

  • Tardizooka) tardigrade+bazooka

    Hi Gumbo. I just saw that my latest video was made a featured video, and I just wanted to say thank you for that. Y'all made my day:)
  • Elphaba (Elfchilla)

    Thanks Gumbo123 for the welcome note! And I really appreciate your help in helping me reach my full Mythical Beastliness!

  • K-Mod

    Victoria (Centauromadoose)

    Uncanny, Gumbo! Who is that/what is it from?

  • K-Mod

    Victoria (Centauromadoose)

    Woah...I totally did not recognize Hugh Jackman in that image. Interesting!

  • Joecoolmj

    Thanks for the welcome! I was wondering how to change my profile picture.
  • Cecil (Verginix)

    A (late) answer to your questions about the area around my parents house; they were not building another SuperBrugsen, they where adding to the cemetery, it look very beautiful now, it's a "nature cemetery" which means there's some trees and the like.

    Chris is enjoying living the Denmark, he actually started Danish lessons today, and thinks it's fun and not too difficult. He also had the joy of a real Danish-atheist Christmas, which he liked. though these days I'm just trying to keep him out of the apartment so I can have some peace and quiet to study for my exams.

    I hope you're well too :)

    - Sidsel