Imlay City, MI
United States
Feb 28, 2015
So, when are you going to get off yer duff and get to work? There will never be a MythiCon Michigan (LP or UP) unless somebody LIKE YOU makes it happen.
Here is the attempted meet-up thread for last year.
Let me know and I will gladly set you up for MythiCon 2015!
Mar 17, 2015
Dec 4, 2015
Nissi Otoo
Feb 28, 2015
So, when are you going to get off yer duff and get to work? There will never be a MythiCon Michigan (LP or UP) unless somebody LIKE YOU makes it happen.
Here is the attempted meet-up thread for last year.
Let me know and I will gladly set you up for MythiCon 2015!
Mar 17, 2015
Brennan (Bonnacon)
Dec 4, 2015