Brian J. Hill


Provo, UT

United States

Comment Wall:

  • K-Mod


    Welcome to the Kommunity!  here's a little tour guide that may help you along the path to mythical beastliness ~   Rhett & Link 101

  • K-Mod


    @ Brian - - please reply and provide clear evidence on your discussion post

    Your account will be suspended as possible spam if no response is received within 24 hours.

  • K-Mod


    Thanks Brian.  Happy to know you are a real MB and not a spambot.

    I have reopened the discussion page for comments and so you can edit it appropriately.

    I think the issue is with your gofundme page itself.  Where does the money go to?  I wouldn't want to, and probably few other members would, be funding your study group's kegger celebration when you all get A's on this assignment.  It just doesn't look like much thought was put into the project's development other than making a donation pledge page with no plans for its purpose or how any $$$ will be utilized.
