


Dallas, TX

United States

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  • Marcus Bean (El Gusano)

    The thing is I CAN'T sign into the old account. It changed my e-mail, which is why I suggested it being deleted from the kommunity. If you saw ME on recently it was because I left myself signed in on my Mother's computer. Therefore, I could access my account without having to know the new e-mail/password combination. But eventually it logged itself out and I couldn't use it anymore.

    So there's no way for me to delete this posts.

  • Michael (Beaglehawk)

    Thanks for sharing that video and book! I've actually watched some of the Youtube videos by that author, and he's pretty good. I haven't read that book though, but I'll check it out when I get the chance!

  • Marilyn OF DOOM (Latias)

    Gumbo, just so you know, comments are now enabled for my Pictures.

  • Dillon Nelson

    Thank you fellow mythical beast!

  • cloneyoshi (JJ)

    thanks for the welcome and link to the rhett and link 101 page

  • Marilyn OF DOOM (Latias)

    THANK YOU soo much for the Trading Card. It looks epic!

  • David

    Thanks humble welcome and thanks also for the Rhett and Link 101 page link
  • Adamant838

    Thanks brother I appreciate that! I agree with you, Born again christians shouldn't argue over things like small doctrinal issues because we are all supposed to be fighting The prince and power of the air! How can we do that if were fighting our own brothers and sisters?! I'm pretty neutral when it comes to stuff like pre trib views vs mid trib, stuff like that shouldn't matter, but things like the doctrine of eternal security and losing your salvation is worth standing your ground on ya know? If it doesn't effect your spiritual life then it's best to drop it :P Keep standing up for what is right, there aren't many left in this world!
    In Christ (and mythical beastliness)
  • Adamant838

    Thanks, I'll take a look at it! Glad to hear about a church serving The Lord down in Texas! And one that still "takes the old paths" My pastor always says keep the judgment seat in the forefront of your mind at all times ( Only One Life, Twill Soon Be Past-Only What's Done For Christ Shall Last) Have you heard of Dr peter ruckman? If so what are your your thoughts on him?
  • Emily(Goblin Runner)

    oh haha i didn't know that....

  • Cecil (Verginix)

    I feel like I merely adopted the kommunity; You were born in it, moulded by it. You didn't see the another community until you were already an internet legend, by then it was nothing to you but BORING! 

  • Joker (bugzkilla)

    Thank you Gumbo! I've been a big fan of RhettandLink and all their videos. Now that I decided to sign up I realized what I've been missing out on big time! Thanks for the welcome. :) 

  • Codester

    thanks for the help

  • Allysha (Radio Bear)

    Thanks for the welcome & the help (: 

  • Emma (Bäckahästen)

    Thank you!

  • deanna bakeonaiter

    for goodness sakes gumbo. that comment started out nice with " deanna baconator is a very thoughtful and considerate" and quickly turned into a facepalming moment describing my stalking plans. haha ask one question suddenly i apparently have a roomy coffin for him. im not even in the "jason is awesome" group yet. oh well.

  • deanna bakeonaiter

    oh does that mean you will be needing his height? Im sure he will never suspect you .


    I will close the MythiCon 2013 discussion, thanks for the idea. I was getting tired of people still asking when it was happening.
  • Umbreon

    yeah i'm good dude thanks

  • K-Mod

    Victoria (Centauromadoose)

    You continue to outdo yourself, Gumbo.

  • Darian Shaw


  • Doctor


     i would like to report this person for spamming

  • Maynord Lomeli Chavez

    Thank you, you're so kind
  • Modig (Monopod)

    Thank you!!

  • Runemablisk

    Thank you for the welcomes :D

  • keri storer (angry phoenix )

    thanks for the welcome ;)

  • Faith Upchurch

    Thanks for the warm welcome :)

  • Becca F.

    this is awesome, thanks for the welcoming. :)

  • Marcus Bean (El Gusano)

    I WASN'T a site leader for Mythicon 2013. I knew I'd be out of town and I never actually said I was hosting it, I only suggested the location. http://rhettandlinkommunity.com/profile/MadelineCooper

    Maddie Cooper hosted it. I'd recommend the same location though.

  • kieranhudsonnaranjo

    thanks! :)

  • bagheadinc

    Thank you, kind sir. You are a gentleman and a scholar.

  • Doctor

    When are you doing the house keeping for the

    Welcome Kommittee

  • Caleb James Taylor

    Thank you but i am good. I am fairly good with electronics, so I think I will get around just fine.

  • K-Mod

    Victoria (Centauromadoose)

    Haha...I don't think it's me you'd need to say "sorry" to!

  • Sophia Faye

    Thanks! (:
  • Rachel T. (HuneyBadgerFox)

    I am not sure yet about hosting yet, but I will be thinking about it. Do you happen to have an estimate on how many MBs are in North Carolina? If I do it it would be in the same location and I would want to make sure that at least 10 or so beast could make it. 

  • William Harvey

    thank you for your information!  I'm gonna have to explore this site a bit more, but so far, it's about as funny as the MANY videos I've watched!!! 

  • Elaine Cheng


  • Becky Oravetz

    Awe, Thank you!  

  • Zoey Mikayla A Coppa


  • Niamh

    Thanks for welcoming me to this whacky world.  Hugs from Ireland.

  • Katie【Unicorndawg】

  • Austin Walsh

    thank you!!

  • Alan (Deerwolftaurus)

    Well, when I said "Ford GT" I meant http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford_GT that one! And I had in mind http://es.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Porsche_911_GT3 this porsche 911 (let's say I'm a 90's kid :D)
  • Dallin Hoyt

    thanks you sound like a nice person

  • Elena T.

    Thanks! Awesome to be part of the Kommunity!
  • Lucas (I'm Brony and I'm Proud)

    Thank you for the awesome picture you legend of the Komm - YEAH!!! :)

  • Amelia Evans

    Thank you very much- Lots of love from Britain :)

  • Maya (DarkStrawberrySquirrel)

    Gumbo,I received a "Thanks!" from 2 members  on the same day on my page. It's kind of weird since its exactly the same thing. I don't know, thought I'd mention that, do I need to report anything or?

  • Nadiux
