


Dallas, TX

United States

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  • Lyzzi Fall (LighteningNarwhal)

    Hey! I popped on the Komm today and thought I would say hi!
  • Indiana-Jonas (space deer)

  • Alice (The Aisling)

    Wasn't sure where to put this cause I didn't want to resurrect the old thread, specially cause it's anti-climactic. I refused the trip. We couldn't afford the taxes or the time and no one wanted to buy it off us. (Or even just take it.) So I refused it. The good news is "second place in an international shorts contest" looks really good on my film production resume.
  • Corey Kramer (Ghost Chicken)

    I had to make sure one hidden Wonder Weenie was a doozie... didja see the one in the wanted poster?
  • Corey Kramer (Ghost Chicken)

    Looks like ya found them! (was that the one?)
  • Justin Bolack (TheJustinSean)

    Thanks for the Welcome! :)
  • Lauren Thorley

    Thank you :D
  • Em Lamont(NinjaSquid)

    thank you for my ninjasquid!!! i made it my desktop background!!
  • Ben HG (Mad Hatter)

    cool beans Gumbo cool beans


  • Femkoe Slangen(yuxa) I'm a cow

    don't tell anyone... but i'm a cow that's undercover as a cat >:{D
  • Gisela Lamont (Unizamander)

    That wasn't really what I was trying to get at with my poem, but okay. d:
  • Maggie Richardson

    Thx SO much for welcoming me.
  • Troy (kenbroncus)

    Thanks for the warm welcome.

  • Aeralyn (Stormofjade)

    Thank you, Gumbo, for the welcome, but i have been a member of the Komm for over a year. just decided to pick up activity again in a new account.


  • Laurel Wagner (lilin)

    Thanks for the welcome:)

  • John Jones(Grizzlyrilla)

    Appreciate you taking the time to check out some of videos in the YT world. I also thank you for the kind words. I feel your team may be the big winners this year. A couple more games should solidify that. Peace to ya sir and I will make it a point to become more active here on the Komm.

  • David Kim (Ukucaster73)

    Thanks for the welcome! Rhett and Link are awesome!! Could they film a commercial for the store i work out?

  • Rhys Humphreys ( barbariclease)

    cheers for the welcome

  • Eve - Evelina Waara (Dextria)

    Yes, i've been gone for a while.. I was just going to bed, it's kinda late here :) But see you tomorrow!

  • Mary Carr (pegantacorn)

    Thanks so much :D

  • Jon MacLeod

    Thanks very much for the welcome! I am a teacher here in Beijing, China!   My students watched the velcro video because we are working on inventions here in my 3rd grade class!  We will send our cool artwork for everyone to check out

  • Kevin Fitzpatrick (Unipegataur)

    Thank you pal. What is your mythical beast?
  • Julie Farrington-Sheetz

    Thanks for the cool Mythical Beast welcome! :)

  • Corey Kramer (Ghost Chicken)

    Oh yeah I met Das Boot... I'm not going to go to a ComicConvention in Iowa and not miss out on the chance to meet das Boot! (bought me some official pickin' gloves too...)

  • ✞JeanWifeMoMhorphin✞

    Good Mythical Morning!!!

    Are we doing another page for this? Let me know and you know I will help however I can. 

  • Natalie Wardell

    thank you for you comment on my page .I was a nice  welcome (:

  • Jessica (Swamp Chicken)

    Nice equation. XD haha

  • Connor Gibson Shoemake(Panthion)



  • Verity Mckeon

    Hey, thank you :)

  • Christy Woodward (Phoenix Moon)

    Thanks! :)

  • Jordan Rachelle Walker

    Naw, I bring entertainment to people who wished to be scared. Basically I'm a small time actress and model.

  • Katie【Unicorndawg】

    hey Gumbo, on the MB trading cards what does "beast date" mean? im assuming its the day that i joined the komm, but im just making sure.

  • K-Mod

    Kevin (UniSeal)

    Hey, thanks for the heads up! Haven't been in Main for a while now on account of being super busy. Most of the the people I'd talk to haven't been on in a while anyway... with a few exceptions, of course.

    BUT, thanks for letting me know! I may or may not try my hand in the contest, seeing as I'm quite awful at remixing songs. Recording my own covers, I'm on it, but I'm an awful remixer. Though this could be a chance for me to improve... We'll see.

    Nonetheless, thanks again. Hopefully I'll be more active in Main soon, once school starts slowing down for the year.

  • Kaja Walther (Rompfrompf)

    Hey! thanks for the great wellcome! I'm sure im going to have alot fun with you mythical beasts!

  • shiger---It's a shy tiger.

    thanks for the welcome :D

  • Brittney

    Awww! thank you of the welcome ! :D deffinetly made me feel welcome! :D

  • Mya (The Galumphing Cephalopod)

    I know! My audio is always very low and pretty crappy. I need to get a good microphone.
  • Marsha L (MythiCaNerdian)

    Hey! I just saw your "Attempted Murder" picture in the Dyslexics UNTIE group. That is fantastic! Thanks for the chuckle. :)


  • Wes4one7

    Thanks Guys! We have a big LSU game today!

  • nick "SilverFish" deltora


  • Alexandra

    Like many others before me, thank you dearly for the welcome!

  • Rachel

    Thanks for the help :)

  • Kyla (Zorilla Of Orangeness)



  • Karalyn Houbeck

    Thanks so much! :)

  • George William Whittenham-Sell

    Hey thanks for welcoming me to the Kommunity, i saw that you can add people to the international map, i was wondering if you could put me on there, im from Portsmouth in England. 

    Thank you George

  • Eoghan Warner

    Thanks for welcoming me to the Kommunity, thanks for your hospitality.

  • Dawn Vaine (TurqoiseKirin)

    Thank you for welcoming me! :D 

  • Marvin de Rooij

    Thanks for the welcome! I'll have a look at the tour guide! :)

  • Roxanne (Pandypus)

    I won't be able to use live chat for the ikc unless there is some sort of bb app that i am unaware of. I can. however, log on and make myself see in the koomunity by commenting somewhere.

  • Roxanne (Pandypus)

    I can only access chat when I am on a pc and at the time of the ikc I won't have access to a pc. If I can't get my chat on my phone working i will post on your wall.