Eve - Evelina Waara (Dextria)

32, Female



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  • Cee ( The Platysombat)

    Love the pic of Rhett and Link (stars and b/w stills). I recognize some of your cool pics being used as profile pic for the other mythical. But by far your Cave shoe design......Awesome!!!!!
    Better send that one to Rhett and link so they can come out with their next Mythical shoe
    design : )
  • Cee ( The Platysombat)

    P.S. Sweden is a cool country..... Is it all snow there Now?????

  • K-Mod


    HELLLOOOOOO ! ! ! haven't seen you on the Komm in a long time and notice your online right now.  Pop into the KommChat and let us know what's going on in Sweden sometime.