
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Mythical Beasts everywhere! Do you want to be a part of something? Of course you do!

"Hey Carol, vague much?"

- Absolutely... but there is a ReaLly good reason for that...  ;)

Want to find out what the devil is going on?

Send an email to rhettandlinkommunity@gmail.com and I'll get back to you with the full information. (Project now closed sorry. Read below for the updates)

It's going to be Mythical :)

Project updates

3rd September:

1 hour after the email blast from Gumbo went out: This is my email inbox

19th September:

I've had to change the deadline from the 31st October to the 11th.. bringing it forward. This is due to the huge number of entries I've got to sort through! Woo.

11th October:

Project now closed! Wow! A huge 313 Mythical Beasts participated in the secret KBE. Find out what we were planning closer to Christmas ;) Big thanks to all!

23rd October:

Sorting through everything.. this is my screen. Hectic and full of crazy spreadsheets.

23rd November:

All complete and ready to be picked up by UPS

3rd December:

We just heard from Rhett and Link and they have told us that they have received the KBE. All we will say is keep an eye out in a few weeks time for something :)

Us... Tease? Never ;)

17th December:

Rhett and Link showcased the gifts on GMMore

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The idea itself is stupid. It's a waste of time and effort. I honestly read through the email and laughed. You really think Rhett & Link care about this? You think they don't know about it? Of course they do. They will have had someone check for them.

They made it very obvious with removing themselves from here that they no longer care. They claim to not be checking out but they are. Are you all fools?
They say they don't have the time to put into being here yet you still all drool over them doing secret things for them for Christmas.. get it through your heads.. they don't care about their precious Community.. sorry it's with a K isn't it?
If they don't have time for you, why are you giving them your time? especially this moderator idiot who thinks she's all high and mighty pulling this together? You do realize how much money you will have to pay for this oh so secret item.. You say it's for them to display? It will end up in a drawer forgotton about.

Want more proof? That whole charade about the way they link the community from their website. It's still pathetic how they have the link here worded "fan kommunity" oh come on.. they add "store" twice and couldn't give their only fan site a better acknowlegement? Money Money Money.

"Hey we uploaded a video on facebook thanking for streamy votes" wow.. facebook. The most common and boring social media. You built this place up hard for how many years now and it's kicked into the mud just because it doesn't have that many regular members.

You know what Rhett and Link? Want to show you give a shit here? Want to have the community back as somewhere active and a place that fans can talk to each other instead of that shithole people call facebook where interaction can't happen?
Then start mentioning here again. I lost all respect for you because you try to pull the wool over the eyes of the fans.

I noticed you did a Q&A video for here.. that's cool.. granted. Then you look at the Q&A you did on Tumblr and it's 5 times as long. Yeah.. Hey let's answer 5 quick questions to shut them up on the community.

You know what I take it back. The initial idea of this isn't stupid, but expecting Rhett and Link to actually give a crap about it isn't worth all the effort you are going to have to put in Carol. From the information email, this will take you weeks maybe even over a month to do and cost well over 3 figures easy.I had to edit this because the conversation in the social media discussion just proves it. They don't care. The social media has gone down the toilet so much that you had to start complaining about it for things to be noticed.
"But they are too busy with.." bull crap. They can take 5 minutes out of their day to post something from THEM.
To be frank, the can take 5 minutes out their day to post and visit here. Prove you are not checking out Rhett and Link. Prove you actually give a shit about the fans here who are pulling these KBE things together for you.

If you don't like the idea then fine, but there's no need to be so bloody rude 

I was trying to think of some witty reply but all I came up with was thanks for your input and concern over my time and funds.

End of the day, yes it's for R&L but it's also to bring the Kommunity closer together and work on something as a team.  That's the important aspect I think you are missing here.

Wow, um...well, you have a few valid points. But your approach is a bit off putting. Maybe you are right, but I reserve to think that you are wrong and that the guys will appreciate all of the effort that we and Carol have put in to this. I hate to think that we have to act like babies to get their attention here. They are at a spot where they need to utilize all social media to continue to create a larger fan base. They won't forget us. This is not the forum in which this should be discussed. Let's keep this positive. All opinions are valid here. Name calling is not an opinion, no one is "high and mighty". Good day.

Okay I apologize for being rude.
My anger got the better of me and I'm sorry for that.
I know people who have gave all their free time to the community and it angers me that Rhett and Link get so much but recently give so little back.

"the community doesn't make them money" yes I see that however it's not always about making money. Fans here are the most dedicated and most likely to buy merchandise or go that extra mile if Rhett and Link put out new stock. Happy fans here = more revenue.

The promotion for here stopped so abruptly I am personally curious why. It used to be mentioned on Good Mythical Morning then one day never mentioned again.

We know the moderators now run the website and to be honest it's been the right decision as we can see from all the little updates that has happened in this short space of time. However just because it's been handed over means Rhett and Link should have less time fixing issues when they visit here and should actively post now and again. I saw Rhett had made a post recently which was nice to see but only one in how many years since we've seen something from Rhett?

It just annoys me that fans here do so much for them and receive nothing or next to nothing back. As my example with the community Q&A vs the Tumblr Q&A show.

Yes facebook gets more visitors, but that doesn't mean that the community exclusives should stop. They do little snap chat videos, why not do small short videos like that but post on the community and say to people on GMM, head over to our community to watch these vlogs/outtakes whatever you wish to call them. They have never stated Snapchat as a sponsor to my knowledge so it won't be bringing in any revenue.

I understand the family, the business but they are losing or maybe even lost touched with their fans directly. I believe someone pointed out on the thread about the social media how other more popular youtubers and celebrities have a bigger following and manage to still engage.

Please don't ignore the community Rhett and Link. There are people here prepared to pour blood sweat tears and a lot of green into projects for you. Show a little love back and not on the cold unpersonal facebook, but be more personal and engage with your small but loving fan base here.

It may say over 100000 members but I think we all know most have walked away and I wouldn't be surprised if it was because of your distancing yourself from the people who matter most.

Edit: I know it's with a K but my cell keeps autocorrecting.

As Jaymie said, this really isn't the thread for this.

I appreciate your attempt to apologise for the tone of your first message.

I get it. You're pissed that we are spending time and money on them and you feel personally they don't give enough to the Komm anymore to warrant that dedication and effort yes? Okay fair enough, I'll give it the benefit of the doubt that you are posting out of concern for our feelings for unacknowledged work and so forth.

But again this really isn't the place for this. As some said you do have some valid points but can we keep this discussion thread about me trying to promote what I'm doing. 

You are of course entitled to your opinion but maybe start your own discussion if you have more to say.

Tic toc people.. not long left. Get your "stuff" to me :)

Still going but deadline is only a week away

It's a week away from today, right?

I got the link from friends on Tumblr, sent in my submission earlier in the week. So excited

Def in :)!!!! 

6 days left people...


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