Corey Kramer (Ghost Chicken)


Minneapolis, MN

United States

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  • K-Mod


  • Mack (Alrokabeesk)

    Ahhh That'd be cool. Do that! I'd like to see!
  • Indiana-Jonas (space deer)

    THat's awesome man!! :D

    Your style is so cool, I want to become an artist myself one day...

  • K-Mod


  • Brittany [Fancy Batibat]

    Thanks! :D

  • K-Mod


    i think creating a Chost Chicken villian character for the Super Hero *  project is a great idea!


    *and Side Kick


    Corey said:  So I have next week off and was thinking of doing another piece of R&L art... any suggestions?

  • K-Mod


    reported to BananaAnna and luckily whe signed on 3 minutes later.  problem solved

  • K-Mod


    I really wanna see Willie from Vicious Dogs make a cameo appearance behind the Wonder Weenies counter.  Perhaps as WW~Employee of the Year on a world-wide tour.

  • K-Mod


    Sorry, Ghost Chicken . . . . I tried my hardest, but could only find 6 of the WonderWeenies that the Relisher had stolen fromBeenie O'Weenie's lunch and hidden around town.  Can't tell for certain, but maybe #7 is deep inside the tumbleweed.

  • K-Mod


  • S Esp

    Haha...thanks Corey



  • K-Mod


    WHAT ! ? ! ? you got to meet Das Boot?  i'm so jealous


  • Jessica (Swamp Chicken)

    Wow, 5 or 6 hundred? That's....a lot. haha. But still awesome! I don't have nearly as many, but I will always love board games.

  • Jessica (Swamp Chicken)

    That's still pretty cool. :)

  • K-Mod


    I saw this today in "that wierd part of YouTube" and instantly thought of you . . . enjoy!


    HANS THE BUTCHER BOY (inventor of the one-shot comic)


    NOTE: may not be 100% historically accurate

  • K-Mod




    Agent Orange (alias Larfleeze, real name unknown) is a fictional character owned by DC Comics. He is the primary wielder of the Orange light of avarice (others can wield the light but Larfleeze does not allow it voluntarily), derived from the emotional spectrum. He debuted in DC Universe #0 (April 2008), and was created by Geoff Johns and originally drawn by Ethan Van Sciver.

  • Andrew Eaton (Fire Wolf)

    Amazing art work you have there, and an incredible collection!  Best of luck with your work!

  • Michael M (Uniwolfasaurus)

    OMG, soooo many cool batman stuff, me want lol

  • Michael M (Uniwolfasaurus)

    wow, you may be a bigger batman fan than me (that is saying a lot)

  • Pam Groom (NotYeti)

    Yes, I love your drawing. You pulled off a nice sesame street looking R&L logo. Ironically, I'm making Rhett and Link puppets right now. Puppet Link is complete. Materials for an eyebrow mech for the Rhett puppet are on order, so that one will be a few weeks out yet. I may upload a T shirt concept myself with a photo of the Link puppet. I'm making iron-on transfers after lunch. I might make one of your logo as well. Very cool.
  • Waso

    Sorry that I misunderstood what you were trying to do, I hope I was not a problem.
  • Robby S. ( Lemunaed )

    A chicken farmer went out one dark and dreary day,
    He stopped to sit beside the coup to break along his way,
    When all at once a rotten egg hit him in the eye,
    It was a sight he dreaded...Ghost Chickens in the sky! 

  • April Tall (Penguin)

    haha! Brilliant suggestion from Gumbo! I second!

  • K-Mod


    . . . and while I'm piddling around on your page, I know you're mostly a D.C. comics guy but could you help out Jesse with a Marvel question?





  • Pam Groom (NotYeti)

    I finished the Rhett and Link puppets. I put your Sesame Street logo on the carrying case along with other Rhett and Link logos. It looked cool. Unfortunately, FedEx didn't think the puppets would survive their travel to California in that case, so I kept it for myself. After paying over $100 to ship the puppets, I wasn't feeling generous enough to ship the case empty.
    If you want to see the puppets they are on my website

  • K-Mod


    Is it too late to cash in on some of that "want to draw Rhett and Link during my week and a 1/2 time off" offer?  Newborn R&L pics would be great, especially if drawn using the descriptions given in today's GMM dramatic reading of "GUTLESS WONDERS" . . . an illustrated video spliced into Rhett's introductory voice over narration (2:53 - 3:55) would be most excellent!

  • Chip Daniels (Ghost Chicken)

    Thank you for understanding, and yes, I am familiar with "Ghost Chickens in the Sky." I liked it so much that I made a game of it a few years ago. I even made a website! Tell me what you think of it, and may the cockatrices be with you.

  • K-Mod


    Earlier today somebody posted this suggestion on the GMM Wheel of Mythicality Ideas discussion: "Rhett and Link are secret agents-- each thinking the other has stolen military secrets!"


    It made the little hamster wheel in my brain start spinning - - - when you have all that "extra time" to kill how about an R&L version of . . .

  • K-Mod


    re: working on Saturday Aug 17th


    Is this another comicon outing or just the standard day job?  If you are appearing somewhere this weekend in your comic capacity, maybe some MBs could gather around you and enjoy a MythiCon Twofer of sorts.

  • K-Mod


    P.S. - - if you haven't heard - - Jason Inman has a Squatch Watching buddy you might be a bit familiar with.  Ever heard of a guy named Scott Lobdell?

    CLICK HERE to help Squatch Watchers!

  • Luna (Strix)

    Your. art. is. amazing
    your skills are unbelievable  ! hope i get to draw like you some day! :) good job!

  • A.George Harrison (Le Fabulous)

    Your art is awesome! And I see you are a fellow mythical chicken!

  • K-Mod


    Have just eaten lunch, caught up on my Wonder Weenies, played a quick round of FRANK FRACAS and cast my vote for the most squishable hippogriff ever. . . now back to work!

  • K-Mod


    P.S. what ever happened with that  SQUISHABLE RANDLER  idea?

  • K-Mod


    Well, I'm prepping for a big audit review and didn't have time to complete the round.  I made a game also, with a little help from my kommpadres . . . check it out, it could use some useful critique from a professional:

  • Lucas (I'm Brony and I'm Proud)

    GMM fellow Mythical Beast & welcome to one of the best places to be on the Internet.  I hope you enjoy your stay & feel free to feast on the many fruits that the Kommunity has to offer.

    I also hereby acknowledge your Mythical Mustache  & recite the Kommunity Mythical Anthem "My Hair Song(#Does your hair go up? Does your hair go down?#) in celebration of your arrival.

    Don't forget about "Nilla Wafer Top Hat Time" & remember to "Rub Some Bacon On It".

    Have fun and take care!!! :)

  • K-Mod


    MythiBucks are in the same album that I just added the Kurrency coins to. Those were completed earlier as part of the RhettandLinkopoly project. SPEND WISELY!

  • K-Mod


    re: The Squirrel ~ is that thunder off in the distance, or do I hear the rumblings of the many tiny feet of an evil rodent horde unequalled since the last time Mr. Jackson sang about his furry friend Ben?


  • ✞JeanWifeMoMhorphin✞

    Happy Birthday!!!!!

  • K-Mod


    FYI - - - MythiCon 2014 ~ Minnesota event is being relocated to Mall of America.

    Be there or be a regular quadrilateral generally described as the n=2 case of the families of n-hypercubes and n-orthoplexes.

    MythiCon 2014 - - - Minnesota

  • K-Mod


  • K-Mod


    I am putting together a compilation poster of all the MythiCon events. Please post some pics or video if you have any. May eventually send a copy to the R&L studios

    MythiCon 2014 - - photo & video uploads

  • K-Mod

    Gumbo V2.0

    STARS!  all the kool kids have one


  • K-Mod


    Grabbed me an ice cold HEROIC-ADE, tuned in a bit of Bohemian Polka and got all caught up on the latest exploits of The Wonder Weenies during the lunch break today. 

    I feel better now.

    So, now that you've got over 400 strips (and how many arcs ?) under your belt, what are latest on plans for going to print with W.W. Book #1? I saw the cover art you posted up on the twit feed.

    I, for one, vote that the WW ads and specials make it into the book . . . also, there must be some way to incorporate your narrator / commentary boxes into the print edition . . . I find myself snickering on those little snide-side remarks just as much as anything you write into the storyline.

  • K-Mod


    On the off-chance that you aren't already pursuing this opportunity for yourself, perhaps you could exercise some insider com-industry contacts in support of a fellow MB . . .

    Once again it's time to activate the MB Commandos for the benefit of one of our very own.  Check out Jason Inman's latest video upload to his YouTube channel "Jawiin" and become a part in this mythical beast assist.              

    There could be no more obvious or better qualified choice for #DCHostSearch than Mr. Jason William "Jawiin" Inman from the of Oz and super good guys.

    #DCHostSearch - Jason Inman for DC All Access Host

    COPY & PASTE this TWEET!

    Farmboy #DCHostSearch Please RT this and help @Jawiin talk about his love of comics on #DCAllAccess

  • K-Mod


    So, when do these hit the store shelves?

  • K-Mod


    ATTN:  MythiCon Hosts (and wish-they-would-haves)

    Now creating discussion threads for MythiCon 2015 . . . this year new pages are set up as they are requested . . . if you haven't already done so, please grab your spots while they're still available. 

  • K-Mod


    LOVE LOVE LOVE the new MythiCon graphics! I'm unde the weather today but will get it into some promotion very soon

    Thank you
  • Darien (BridgeHamster)

    help spread the word, lets bring back signed gmm posters

  • K-Mod


    MUSIC TIME!  You probably know these guys already, and it's not really true novelty music, just very entertaining covers in a unique bluegrass style . . .