


Dallas, TX

United States

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  • Shealynn Stevenson

    Thank you!
  • Reghan Sage

    Thank you very much. how do i change the picture i made a different one

  • Rachel Demers

    Thanks for the guide!

  • Stacy Harrison

    Thank you! :D

  • Constance J Worthington

    Weird question, was the comment on my page supposed to have a link in it? If so, it won't open at all on my end...is there something I missed with it?

  • Constance J Worthington

    Sorry to keep bothering you, but I think there is something wrong with my site. I cannot link out to the site you gave me, even when I try it on different computers. I have a place figured out (The PapaJohn's Sculpture Park in Downtown Des Monies), but I am incapable of editing anything pertaining. Have you ever seen this problem before? Or do you know of a way around it?

  • K-Mod

    Alexis (Indigo Sparrow)

    Thanks for the heads up! I'll let them know the details. :-)

  • Corey Kramer (Ghost Chicken)

    I thought you might like this.

  • Celestine

    Thanks for the great Welcome!!
  • Carol (Aelrindyl)

    You softy. No need for thanks :)

  • Lane (Cosmic Dragon)

    Hi! I was somehow directed to your page for any questions and I was wondering where on the Kommunity can I comment and possibly get my comment featured on the show?

  • Bella Solomon

    Thanks Gumbo123, but I already knew this stuff. I've been watching gmm for about 2 years now. But THANK YOU for such a nice welcome!

  • Marcus Bean (El Gusano)

    Haha, thanks Gumbo!

  • Julie

    Ive been watching gmm for 1 year now
    I'm new!

  • K-Mod

    Victoria (Centauromadoose)

    Hey, Gumbo -- for the DC Mythicon discussion, I'd like to request an official venue change to the Smithsonian National Zoo. It's free and there's lots to see and do there, so I think it'd be a fun place for MBs to gather and hang out. :)

  • K-Mod

    Kevin (UniSeal)

    Thought you'd enjoy this pleasant request (CERTAINLY not an order) directed at "the one who made gmm monopoly".


  • Joey Paredes

    thanks for the welcome, I'll be sure to read the guidelines 

  • K-Mod

    Kevin (UniSeal)

    I agree the mug-knocking was a momentous occasion! However, in the interest of maximum Kommunity Timeline accuracy,  see this reply for the first time (that I noticed) a mug being knocked.

  • Crystal Ohlsson

    Thank You

  • Meghan

    Would LOVE more information on the get together thing in July I love in Missouri. I don't want to host but would love to attend. Please send me some more info on the situation. Thanks, God Bless and BYMB!
  • Jung Hoseok

    Gumbo... Do happen to be ALWAYS on?! because almost always when im on your on????!!! How dat make sense? 

  • K-Mod

    Victoria (Centauromadoose)

    Hey, Gumbo -- Moose will officially be at DC Mythicon, so please add him on as co-host in the thread. :) Thanks!

  • K-Mod

    Victoria (Centauromadoose)

    Thanks! Flat not sold unfortunately, but it was unlikely to sell before his visa expires. (You can bug him for the details, haha). Definitely working on updating the blog!

  • Ai

    Thank you so much for the welcome and link to the rules and such! I'll be sure to check them out.

  • NuriSa (flying-lionturtle)

    hi, I'm sorry, I've been busy with college I couldn't  answer you before,but yes!we'll be there :D

  • K-Mod

    Alexis (Indigo Sparrow)

    I have to wonder... Does this count towards my Kommunity record? My name wasn't mentioned, but that was my drawing. I'll let you judge the worthiness of the entry, haha.

  • Mels (ChikenDog)

    Wow wow thanks for the welcome! :D Just spent so long reading the info and checking out the links from the guide :)

  • K-Mod

    Alexis (Indigo Sparrow)

    Understood! Thanks! ^_^

  • Lili (Lidérc)

    Thank you! ^^

  • Stephen Dye

    It was indeed! I what you like to know/ see?

  • Michele Cantwell (Dragon Lark)

    Thanks for the intro and tips! And I don't think my paths ever crossed with Victoria, I'm sure if we chat we'll have at least a handful of old friends in common! :)

  • Mieke

    Thanks :) 

  • Isabel (Writesmith)

    Gumbo123, I was going to say yes to being a Mythicon host, but I just learned today that we'll be out of state that day. I don't know if it matters, but I didn't want to leave you hanging.
  • Grace (plutopumkinhead)

    Thanks for directing me to the closest place to go for mythicon

  • Kate middleton

    Gumbo if there will be a Dallas meet up are u going to come?
  • Estée Harrell/Ramirez (Monetmom)

    I got your message, did you just give me the job of hosting the MythiCon? I may need help because my hands are full.
    I am fairly new to all this, but I like a challenge!
  • Dedra Williams (Black Wing Bat)

    Hi i already read the links about mythicon  i'm a nerd so i look into everything before jumping but thanks :)

    and about the mythicon yes i would love to host it in Tampa i messed up and forgot to remove my question about a ridei to the Jacksonville event  i'll just remove it now .

  • Estée Harrell/Ramirez (Monetmom)

    I have some ideas for merchandise. A mythical heel ( not too tall) but also a tenny shoe mixed into it. I shall draw a picture soon.
    A clearly Canadian shirt that says" Clearly you haven't had some if you aren't familiar with the name!"
    Oh and we need to bing back shirts: We need to bring back- Fraggle Rock, 7 Up (the Red Dot) game, and The lemmings (Little green haired guys that build bridges and blow them selves up) game. As examples!
  • Estée Harrell/Ramirez (Monetmom)

    Do you have to have Adobe reader? Because link is of a black screen.
    While I have your attention, (I was going to say out of habit "on line") I regret to inform you that I can not host the MythiCon. However, I can get it started and pass the awesome privilege to another member. I forgot we are having company come from out of town with very important Business proceedings to attend to. I am very thankful that you chose me to host, and maybe next year I can take on the challenge head on.
    Thanks respectfully, Monetmom
  • Estée Harrell/Ramirez (Monetmom)

    I like the card, only my life hasn't been a failure, so even though Claude might have said that I don't know if that is something I want said of me. I am after all (since my son can't talk or walk) I have been my sons legs, arms, and voice. Thanks!
  • Estée Harrell/Ramirez (Monetmom)

    Thanks kind sir, I will let you know.
  • Estée Harrell/Ramirez (Monetmom)

    Date of my Mythical beginnings 02-05-14 

    We are all imperfect, so don't kick your self. Thanks, I love my trading card!

  • Thomas (Minecraftius Stevicus)


    I would be happy to host MythiCon on a server. I have an idea, but I want to make sure that everyone's ok with the choice. If you could give me admin access to the minecraft meetup page, I can get a vote on there. It will either be KeiNett, The Hive or The Reef. I will put the ip for each of them below:




  • Minnie


    I'd be happy to host a mythicon in Leeds, UK

  • Jessy Venom

    Thank you for the Welcome. Glad to finally be abroad the kommunity. :) 

  • Carlie

    Is there Mythicon Oklahoma yet?
  • Ty Wetz

    I had no idea it was so close. This is a very distinct possibility. Would love to get together with some beasts!

  • Joseph Baines

    So we just need to get ahold of you when planning is done.
  • Maybalene

    Is there a mythicon ga yet
  • Karyn (Greater Horned Dingle)

    eek, i wanted to send you a message to reply to your comment about mythicon, but since we do not have each other added as friends, i'm not able to. i have a bunch of concerns that i don't exactly want to post publicly as a comment. would you mind if i added you as a komm friend to send the message? you can feel free to de-friend me as soon as the conversation is over if you want to. i just feel like certain concerns are a little intense for general posting and also the comment i had typed ended up way longer than i'd anticipated.