


Dallas, TX

United States

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  • Jessie (Rhett and Links Besty)

    Hey I just wanted to tell u that u really r a great role model for GMM!!! I like Rhett and link opoly so cool!!! Keep spreading the mythicality to everyone we need mythical beasts!!! Ur the most devoted mythical beast I know
  • Karyn (Greater Horned Dingle)

    I LOVE my Mythicon host badge! You're an absolute champ! I will wear it with pride.

  • MusicFreak2

    Congrats on being featured in Good Mythical More! You are a true mythical beast!!
  • Natalie Haney (LokiDoodle)

    What have you done?! FYI is no good!

  • Courtney Johnson

    Thank you for the warm welcome! (:
  • Denisse Cuellar

    Thank you for the help! :) Appreciate it! 

  • Carson Stewart(Fulminis alitem,)

    Thanks for the help bro.

  • Jacquelyn

    Thanks! I'm very excited to join the Mythical Beast community.

  • K-Mod

    Kevin (UniSeal)

    FANTASTIC work on bringing RhettandLinkopoly into the physical realm. I was really happy to see them devote an episode of GMMore to thoroughly going through and appreciating all the intricacies, but I was a little surprised it wasn't the official "featured" item this week. You deserve much more than a signed poster for that, but even that would have been better than nothing!

  • Cierbear

    Thanks for welcoming me to the Mythical Beast community! :D

  • Jeannette Peters


  • Kacie Taylor

    Thanks for the welcome!
  • Jessica

    Thanks for the welcome. :)
  • Capriella (Gray Fox)

    Thank you :)
  • Angel M (Baby Chimera)

    Potentially. I'll try to upload it a different way. also the host for our mythicon in Boise has a picture. I can see if she'll upload hers.

  • Clara (Star-Nosed Platyphant)

    Yes it did! It was great!  Even though only two people we didn't personally invite showed up, it was a blast! Ill get some pictures ASAP! And thank you so much! You were so helpful for me, and you deserve a prize! Im my mind, you are #1 BEAST!!

  • sophie Goodswin

    Thank you, Loving Rhett and Link, Only found them about 4 months ago and loving all the shows they do online :D

  • Stephen

    Thanks for the welcome Gumbo! You and the community did a great job with the Monopoly game, looking forward to participating :)

  • Arianna (mermaid)

    Thanks for the welcome! I am glad to finally be a part of the Komm

  • Abbie McPherson

    Very helpful information thanks
  • Devin Farley (Hydraraptor)

    Can I join the GMM Fans Group?
  • Frances Miklovic

    Thank you for Rhett-and-Link-opoly !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Luis Eduardo Trinidad Jr.

    Thanks for the welcome and the video...very nostalgic.

  • Brandon

    Hello I love rhett an link to and am proud to be a mythical beast but can you please send me the link for the rhettandlinkopoly? Thank you very much!
  • Rachel (The Gallifreyan)

    Well, Gumbo, I'm pretty sure Mythicon UK happened, but anyone who showed up went to the London one, I was the only one at the Corby event so there really wasn't much to do. Unfortunately no pictures :/

  • NuriSa (flying-lionturtle)

    hey!hi!...about MythCon-Argentina...because of weather issues (it's winter here) it has been postponed till Friday...I don't know if you'll wait for us, either way we're four at least...

  • Siddhartha Bhardwaj

    Can you post the link for the monopoly board

  • Holly

    Atlanta did not happen.  Was supposed to be hosted by PepperFlower but when I questioned her about the location she came back hours later and said that she was there, but she had lost her badge and when she saw Rhett and Link fans her mom would not let her approach them because she didn't know them???  We ran into a few other fans wandering around around looking for the location, I'll check to see if other members of my group took any pics at all

  • Callie/Wolfy

    Thank you for Welkoming me to the kommunity !
  • Kristin Booth

    Thanks pal for the warm welcome ;)

  • Leah (MythiSiren)

    Thank you!!!

  • Briana K (Kitsune)

    Hey! Thanks for welcoming me here! It made my day.
  • Pablo

    Hey, thanks ;)

  • Koston Love

    I don't think I would be able to do a local meet-up.

  • Koston Love

    I don't think I should run it either...

  • Koppo

    Hey Gumbo! I saw you comment on my profile. If you were asking about some pictures, you'll need to ask Lynnae because...  I might or might not have tried some Ghost Pepper Hot Sauce. 
    Yeah... I realized that was a bad idea. One week later... 

  • Corey Kramer (Ghost Chicken)

    I know that our host was planning to put a bunch of stuff together to get mailed... I didn't take any pictures myself (but I did bring Mythical Beasts for everyone to color!)

  • Christin (hydra-bahamut)

    thank you. now i can learn how to say welcome in almost any language xD
  • Cameron

    Thank you!

  • E

    thanks :-)

  • Naomi (Illusive Red Gnome)

    Thanks for the welcome Gumbo, literally only started watching Rhett and Link's stuff a couple of days ago. Yesterday was pretty much a marathon of GMM. :)


    Thanks for the welcome.

  • Anna Mai Nattestad Joensen

    Thank you ;) and thanks for the tour ;)

  • Ainsley M

    Thanks so much for the welcome!! :)

  • Katherine Joanne Heartmore

    Thank you for the welcome :D

  • Natalie Haney (LokiDoodle)

    Matthew doesn't have a Kom account, but Olivia's mom has an account by the name of Kimberly Lynch.
  • Natalie Nilsson Nli(atae+(s^2)o)

    Wow ! Thank you very much :D

  • Hayleigh (GMM Captionist)

    Well they said they do but they never told me their Komm name ):

  • Alexis

    Thanks for the welcome!  =)

  • Gianina Manansala (Axelle)

    Thank you so much for the welcome!