


Dallas, TX

United States

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  • NuriSa (flying-lionturtle)

    thank you so much!!!you're awesome!!!
    I've already invited invited some friends to the "Patio Alvear" mall!....Do they have to be part of RhettandLinKommunity.com?

  • Jenn (Epimeliad)

    Thank you sooooo much for the welcome!!!! :o)

  • Emily

    Thank you!
  • Jon

    oh for some reason i never saw your comment on my Anonymoustache picture until just now, hahaha! i love the groucho glasses picture you custom fit for link :D i really should mail him a pair, and find a clever way of presenting them to catch him off guard. i would completely die if i sent him something and he actually showcased it on Thursday Means Mail. i'd love to hear rhett improv a little diddy about Jon the mormon (me) haha. i love Rhett to death, and Link is my herooo man. thx 4 the pic gumbo CKBO! (keep calm, beast on)   =D

  • K-Mod

    Kevin (UniSeal)

    I may have to waffle as well, for the time being. I'm a bit apprehensive about meeting people in general, as I'm fairly introverted when it comes to "real life" interaction. I'll keep thinking it over, though.

    And secondly, that man is a diamond in the rough as far as eclectic musical instruction videos! I know R&L have gotten the lowdown on how to be proper lounge singers, but they need to contract Mr. Bajan for a continuation in learning more of the many facets singing has to offer.

  • IzaQ

    Thanks .u.

  • NuriSa (flying-lionturtle)

    thank u very much!! 

  • Autumn Martin (Deegledon)

    Thanks for the guide Gumbo : )

  • Shane Shadrick (Malgus)

    Thank you!

  • Julia Small

    No! I didn't know they were gonna have Mythicon in Dubai! Thank you SO much! :)

  • Clara (Star-Nosed Platyphant)

    GAHH!! Im so sorry!! My mom and I are working on finding a location, Im so sorry! I will let you know though. We hope to have it by the end of the month, but Im trying! Oh, and BTW, thats an awesome badge thingy, I love it! And am I the youngest host? 14?

  • Rachel (Nezulupantro)

    Thanks gumbo

  • Nolan (Jedi~Squirrel)

    I saw a recent discussion post ( what is that? ) and thought it might make a good KBE.  It would be a great way to finally know what some of the beast names actually mean.  Anyways just wanted to run that by you.

  • Nolan (Jedi~Squirrel)

    Wow, I didn't know there had been that many already.  Guess I need to brush up on my komm history!

  • Bill Bozeman

    Thank you...
    Thank you VERY much !!!

  • Emma the Giant Deeracorn

    Thank you for showing me this! I appreshiate (sorry about spelling) it!

  • Cecil (Verginix)

    we've talked, the details aren't settled yet, but we'll get there

  • Cheryl (TheMomof6Boys)

    Not sure if I can make it to Mythicon. If I can, I'd have to bring the whole family. I can't tell from the page where they're meeting though. 

  • K-Mod

    Alexis (Indigo Sparrow)

    Yeah, I wish I had said hi. I don't think he's been on here much since I've been here, so I wasn't familiar enough with what he looked like to be certain that it was him. My shyness got the better of me this time. Next time though, conversations will be had!

  • HipstaDuckkay

    Well, I'm sorry, but me and Rabid Hamster already have made other plans and will be unable to attend MythiCon. Maybe next year.

  • GreyWolf444 (Lolf)

    thanks for helping me!!

  • Jake Matherne

    I'm from South Louisiana Cajun all the way
  • Jake Matherne

    Plus thanks for the link

  • K-Mod

    Kevin (UniSeal)

    I thank you for giving me a direct notification instead of leaving it to be stumbled upon, and I can say I give my 100% approval of the rant. It honestly boggles my mind that so many people could be interested in something so unappealing to me.

    I miss the good old days when the most subscribed users actually deserved that position as an outcome of their own personal ambitions to produce good content. I'm sure Mr. Pew is a very busy guy with how many videos he releases, but I can think of a thousand other YouTubers who are much more dedicated and talented with much less compensation for their efforts. It seems like these days all you need to do is pump out some GENERIC GAMING content for you to be a hit! Oh, and might as well marinade that with a little screaming and exuberant profanity for good measure.

  • Blogybo (Draco troglodytes)

    Thanks for the welcome :)

  • Loretta

    Thank you!
  • Linn Thiesen

    Thank you! :)

  • Justin Tubbs


  • Cecil (Verginix)

    hahaha, after the 1st of August you'll no longer know my address!

  • Gina C. (Dragonsnail)

    Gumbo123, what time does mythicon start? Or is there not really any set time?
  • Cecil (Verginix)

    you're officially the creepiest guy I know - but if you were a good stalker, you'd know I don't talk to my sister and her husband (long personal story)

  • Gina C. (Dragonsnail)

    Ok thanks!
  • Lana (The Lorelei)

    Thank you for that welcome! :)

  • Kevin Morgan

    Thanks for the welcome

  • K-Mod

    Alexis (Indigo Sparrow)

    Thanks Gumbo! ^_^ 

  • James (Phoenixaurus) Busvlogger

    Gumbo, Computer is messed up. Will you email busvlogger@live.com?

  • Jae Woyote

    Thank you
  • Iza

    Gumbo123, thank you for the warm welcome! But I have a slight change to recommend on the picture. The Slovene welcoming phrase: "Dobrodošli" is spelled as a single word. :) Other than that, I think it's great! :)

  • Rayven Nightfall (The Neko)

    My mother bought me a ticket to Ancient City Con,its a large munti genre convention that spans three days

    i wrote on the event page that the cost(if anyone wanted to also attend A.C.C) is about 25 dollars
    How ever if they dont want to attend A.C.C the hotel is located near the beautiful river frount
    i was thinking we could go there and record videos and take pictures and hang out
    i do update the facebook event page and will have my contact information there for anyone who would like to know more

    The orange park mall is being renovated(to my understanding,i went to day but i didnt notice anything aside from the  lunch area being tied off)

  • Katelyn (Victokangierine)

    Why thank you very much for the very sweet welcome. I will definitely be checking it all out.

  • K-Mod

    Victoria (Centauromadoose)

    You keep calling me Virginia. -_-

  • Clara (Star-Nosed Platyphant)

    UGH!! Im so sorry Gumbo!! My mom and i just found out there is another thing going on at Pioneer Park at the same time, same day! So could you change that to Memorial Park 800 East Center Street, Provo. Im so sorry and so is my mom! Thanks so much!!!

  • James (Phoenixaurus) Busvlogger

    Sorry, never saw an email come through; I understand you tried to message me though. Mythicon was always a long shot for us, but wanted to try. Since we are unsure when we'll be getting back from vacation Saturday (we're traveling with other families) I hate to risk that we won't be available. We will have to postpone our involvement til next year. I wish I could be in two places at once. I've been having trouble with my computer, finally dawned on me to try the Kom from my phone! Ha. Thanks -James
  • Sven

    Thank you for your welcome!!!

  • K-Mod

    Alexis (Indigo Sparrow)

    Congrats on the shout out on GMM! The RhettandLinkopoly looked amazing! ^_^
  • A. J. Evans

  • Katelyn (Victokangierine)

    CONGRATS!!! On the AWESOME RhettandLinkopoly being on Good Mythical More!!! That was an amazing game that you helped/contributed to! Can't wait to check it our, and you sir, are fantastic!
  • Mythical Person

    Where can I get the RhettandLink Monopoly??
  • Myserabella

    Aw Gumbo, you got a Massive shout for the game <3

  • Will Archer (The Quinotinger)

    RhettandLinkopoly is awesome!!