Cheryl (TheMomof6Boys)


Alberta, Canada


Comment Wall:

  • Tammy (Landshark)

    Hey Cheryl! On behalf of Rhett, Link, the Kommunity moderating team, and the Kommunity volunteers, WELCOME! We're glad you're here!
  • ✞JeanWifeMoMhorphin✞

    Thanks for joining the fe-mells. Read enjoy our group. ;-)
  • Sara (Squinchilla)

    Haha! :)

    The sound when you turn it on is "Hello? Hello? Hello-o-o?"
    The sound when you turn it off is "It's just so embaaarrassing!"
    The sound when you get a little notice box is "Alright, white boy! We get the gist."
    The sound when you empty the recycle bin is "Empty inbox!"

    It makes me laugh whenever I do common computery things!
  • ✞JeanWifeMoMhorphin✞

  • Sara (Squinchilla)

    Happy birthday! :D
  • Tylar (Tylwyth Teg)

    Happy Birthday!!!
  • Scott (ThunderFalconDragon)

  • Jason Inman (Gorgonaximorus)

    Thank you for being on top of Supersquad! 

  • K-Mod


    HEY!  I was just wondering if you (or any of the KommMoms if they jsut happen to see this post) ever did one of these:


  • Carly (Penguroo)

    Hello :D

  • K-Mod

    Alexis (Indigo Sparrow)

    Hey Cheryl! You wouldn't happen to have been hanging out with James BusVlogger at Vidcon? I thought I saw him walking around, but I didn't go up and say hi because I wasn't positive it was him. (Being by myself at such a large event I thought it safer to not engage in conversation with men I didn't already know. Not sure if that makes me paranoid or prudent, lol.) Anyway, I think I saw you there! 

  • K-Mod


    @ Cheryl - - are you going? I can only guess that with you, Marsha the Mythicanerdian and The Topping Family that it would turn into one of the very best MythiCon meetups imaginable . . .

  • K-Mod

    Alexis (Indigo Sparrow)

    Hopefully next year we can meet up and say hi! In any case, it's still nice to know other Komm members were out and about. ^_^