


Dallas, TX

United States

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  • K-Mod

    Alexis (Indigo Sparrow)

    I should be able to. I'll have to do some venue scouting, but I think that Lexington, KY would be a good city to have it in. It's a relatively central location. Depending on the interest, there's also the option for me to host a OH/IN/KY Mythicon instead. I live right in the tri-state area, and these are all large states, so it might be closer for some to cross state lines. I'm open to whatever looks more plausible. 

  • K-Mod

    Alexis (Indigo Sparrow)

    Will do! It may be a few days before I can post anything. My computer has been in the shop for the last few days, so my ability to navigate the Kommunty has been limited.
  • Maya (DarkStrawberrySquirrel)

    Thank you!!!

  • Spencer (Smofgrog OF DOOM)

    sorry about the welkomming i totally forgot about deleting them today lol and its me spencer if you did not figure that out already so i will delete them and thanks for the reminder

  • Heather (Pegasus)

    lol thanks =)

  • K-Mod

    Victoria (Centauromadoose)

    I have suggestion or two for advertising MythiCon here on the Kommunity...is there somewhere I can post about that?

  • K-Mod

    Victoria (Centauromadoose)

    I'm still not sure I'd be up for hosting the DC meetup...I'm too shy in person with new people. =/ But if it looks like there's a lot of interest and no one else volunteers, I could maybe step up to the plate.

  • Josie (Llama Glama)

    Thanks! I'm fairly new to Rhett & Link and obviously just made my way over to the Kommunity, but I will slowly learn my way around. 

  • Stella Alexander

    Thank you so much! I feel welcomed, happy to be a part of the community!

  • Amberly Berendson

    I"m just replying back to your comment on my nerf attack picture, and yes I would be interested, what would I have to do?

  • Amberly Berendson

    I actually have a good idea for a poster, I can sketch it up and send the rough draft to you for approval, but I would need your email address

  • Miyako

    Thank you for your warm welcome! :-)

  • Mystik_Raine

    Thank you so much!

  • Aliisa X (Irinis)

    Thanks a ton :)

  • Izzy C

    Thanks for the welcome and your little tour guide :D
  • Alina Lebedeva

    Thanks you a lot! Thanks to your beginner's guide I've understood that there are so many things I haven't discovered about R&L yet :-) That'll be interesting!

  • Umbreon

    i'd really appreciate the help. if you could i can use some help here.
  • Slime-frog

    Oh I'm not new. Or a 'newbie' I've been watching Rhett and Link since 2011. I just thought it was time I made this account. Thanks though!

  • K-Mod

    Kevin (UniSeal)

    I noticed that the button for the Season Three Wheel of Mythicality Endings list (GMM Group Information section) doesn't link out to the actual discussion. http://rhettandlinkommunity.com/group/good-mythical-morning/forum/t...

    A small oversight the the stalwart visage of organization that otherwise characterizes the group, I may add!

  • Marcus Bean (El Gusano)

    You should set up IKC3, even if USA will dominate no doubt. There might be a bigger international turnout if it's advertised on GMM, which might be able to be arranged.

  • Andrew Eaton (Fire Wolf)

    It has been FOREVER. I am glad to see that your hard work has been acknowledged and you are now a K-mod. I'll try to pop back into greeting. 

  • Andrew Eaton (Fire Wolf)

    Might I be reinstated into the Welcoming Kommitee? 

  • Lynnae Forstner-Mystic Flutterby

    thanks Gumbo123 we had a great time last year at MythiCom 2013 and we are really looking forward to 2014. I hope all is going well with you. First day of spring, but you really wouldn't think that by looking out the window here in Minnesota. We have a possibility of snow again tonight.....Well that's what I get for choosing to live here. All the best to you!

  • LucariShay (The Lucario)

    Ah, with the meetup i'd love to go, it's not too far...

  • Lucas (I'm Brony and I'm Proud)

    I totally forgot - I'll see what I can do :)

  • Amber Stevens (Meek The Mithra)

    I have a couple places in mind but I haven't gotten in touch with the right people to make sure that we are actually allowed to gather in the area. Downtown Charleston has a beautiful open park (Waterfront Park at the Battery) That would be a lovely place to gather, but may be very hot if we are stuck outside the whole time. A backup plan would be the food court at the Northwoods Mall in North Charleston. 

  • Maya (DarkStrawberrySquirrel)

    Hey, I was wondering if a German Mythicon meetup could be arranged?

  • Tabi Boyce

    Thanks for welcoming me!

  • Miss Young

    Thanks for the welcome :)

  • Emma (The Griffin)

    Thank you for welcoming me!

  • Lucas (I'm Brony and I'm Proud)

    Thanks for the heads up man - might hold a Google hangout if there are a lot of interstate mythical beasts who want to attend in Australia :)

  • Spencer (Smofgrog OF DOOM)

    okay thx for tellin' me and i was wondering, that discussion, how are they going about getting those ideas to R&L?  I ask because i have not seen alot of those ideas used.. or any for that matter

  • K-Mod

    Victoria (Centauromadoose)

    You called me "Virginia" in your comment to Quin... >.>

  • Chase

    Well TY!
  • Narwhalrusunifin

    Thank you for welcoming me to the Kommunity and the guide! I appreciate you. :)
  • april dugger

    thanks for the help :D

  • Kai Carter

    Thanks...this is awesome ;)

  • Saguinius-S224

    Thanks for the Welcome :)

  • Sydney G. (the Dragon's Lullaby)

    Thank you!!! :D 

  • Abby (The Serpent Queen)

    Thanks for the welcome! It was very mythical :)
  • Chrissie

    Thanks for welcoming me!

  • Floreena Rae (Rusalka)

    Hi, Gumbo123! :) Dr. Mike Wells' name does sound a little familiar, but I'm not so sure if I have encountered him somewhere here in Cebu. I have to admit that I have not been that very long here. 

  • K-Mod

    Kevin (UniSeal)

    I assume you have the power to lock discussion created by other users, correct? Maybe Link's initial discussion about Mythical Shoe ideas should be closed, since it pops up from time to time with replies from people who don't seem to realize it's over.

  • K-Mod

    Kevin (UniSeal)

    Not exactly sure what you're referring to with the vanillas (unless it's something about having a new color added, which was indeed awesome), but nevertheless, I guess you're right. I just have seen up come up a few times for recent activity and always feel bad if someone's confused.

  • K-Mod

    Kevin (UniSeal)

    Oh, of course! I certainly will not forget that accomplishment, and I am proud to wear that badge of honor!

    I just was not making the connection with the old thread. The ol' thinker is slowing down a bit, it seems! As to be expected for someone of my age, I suppose.

  • Charlie Branson

    Thank you so much!

  • Faiz Mazlan (Draugr Zahhak)

    Well. "menyambut" means inviting. "selamat datang" would be appropriate for welcome. This is for Malay.
  • Faiz Mazlan (Draugr Zahhak)

    selamat datang. nice touch i would say. i felt welcomed :D

  • K-Mod

    Victoria (Centauromadoose)

    What on earth are you doing approving a group called "the mythical brosuffs"??

  • John P Shields (ManateeJohn)

    Thanks!  I feel welkomm already.  A little slow (I'm an old Manatee) but I eventually get there.