


Dallas, TX

United States

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  • Maya (DarkStrawberrySquirrel)

    Yes I assumed so, it just seemed a little strange. Sorry for the bother!

  • Jessie Duane Jones

    Thanks and happy new year

  • afi

    Thank you for welcoming! Happy New Year!

    p.s. Laipni Ludzam is spelled incorrectly. It should be Laipni Lūdzam. :)

  • Josassy

    Thank you:D!!!
  • Sarah C (Kitorsh The Messenger)

    Thanks for the welcome - and the really helpful guide :-)

  • Erin McMythical (EMc2)

    Yes the odds were pretty good! Glad you found yourself! :)

  • Joana Maia (The Thriae)

    thank you so much for the welcome!

  • Rachel T. (HuneyBadgerFox)

    Gumbo do you mean to re post my comment about the podcast on iTunes? 

  • Joseph Labun


  • kestrel morrisin swift

    thanks for the link to Rhett and link 101

  • Luka Rajkovic

    Thanks for the welcome Happy New Year :)
  • Lily Urbina (the centaur)

    Thanks for the welcome and in different languages I think. :-) ✴

  • Tam (The Ninja Pineapple)

    Thanks for the welKome 

  • Ally (The Flying Lobsting Ray)


  • Demetrice Gant


  • Aidan Kumar O'Dell

    Thanks? ;D Seems like you a pro at this :D

  • Ariel

    Thank you Gumbo for the 'info pack' and welcome message. <3

  • Ray Walters (Ninja Trigger)

    Thank you so much for the welcome <3

  • Alli Hudson (GandalftheFabulous)

    Thanks! :3

  • Corey Kramer (Ghost Chicken)

    How'd Frank Fracas play for ya?

  • Corey Kramer (Ghost Chicken)

    Iff'n I ever make it to one of the Mythical Meetups I wanna play a round! 

  • Katherine Ivy

    Why thank you :) 

  • Katherine Ivy

    obviously haha fuzzy just sounds better :) and softer :D

  • Savannah H. (the Tea sprite)

    Oh and thank you for the guide!

  • Onekligen

    Hey, thanks! For the guide, I mean.

  • Luna (Strix)

    Hey! I'm definitely considering printing that game! My printer broke, but perhaps I can get it printed in a shop. That would be crazy awesome! 

    I'll make sure to send you photos if I do print this! 

  • Joey E. (The Koalopony)

    Thanks! I already know a lot about R&L. They are SO awesome!

  • Monica (The UniTiger Cerberus )

    Cool thanks! I will check it out B-)

  • Karina Hunter

    Thank you! welcome committee's aren't seen enough anymore - it's so nice to be welcomed to a community. 

    :) I'll check it out soon.

  • NappKenn

    tanks you

  • James Hargrave (Dhampir)

    Hahaha sooo good ^.^ Interesting..but Stupid :P

  • Spencer (Smofgrog OF DOOM)

    'ello gumbo

  • Spencer (Smofgrog OF DOOM)

    i totally agree mith the response you jsut posted on the discussion "is god real?"

  • Natalia Antunes Silva

    Hey, thanks for the help! :)

  • K-Mod

    Kevin (UniSeal)

    All I can say is that I'm glad I finally lived to see the day where arguably the most active and helpful member on the Kommunity finally has official moderation power. Looking forward to all the channels this opens up for you and looking forward to not seeing phrases like "...the K-Mods have been contacted with this information" on projects where you previously had that holding you back!

  • K-Mod

    Victoria (Centauromadoose)

    Sidewalk philistines are the worst.

  • Doctor

    gumbo my chat box is acting up still so i wont be on much

    but o will be able to welcome people so yea....

  • K-Mod

    Kevin (UniSeal)

    A) I am extremely concerned about those things, and I am excited for the day when that milestone will be broken! One of thousands, it will have to make the Kommunity Timeline.

    B) I honestly thought they were going to whip it out when the wheel landed on that, and I was prepared for a good laugh. Unfortunately, it did not happen though!

  • Marel Barbara

    That nerf t-shirt is cool... some one should actually sell them. 

  • K-Mod

    Alexis (Indigo Sparrow)

    Thanks Gumbo!

  • GMMfan

    thanks but ive been a mythical beast for at least two years i just havent created an acount till now

  • Mercedes Escardo


  • Alec Lownes


  • Erika(Scarlett Hippalectryon)

    Hi. I am still in Okinawa, but I just don't have the time or know-how to be a host for a mythical meet up. I'm in college and living with my family and we have our own plans for summer right now. I'm very sorry. I wish I could help and put Okinawa on the map, but college is killer.
  • Marcus Bean (El Gusano)

    I don't even know if I can at the moment. I would love to actually BE THERE, but I'm not sure if I will even be in the state of MA then. But I cannot tell you that I won't be. 

  • K-Mod

    Alexis (Indigo Sparrow)

    It is addictive! I'm very glad to help out! ^_^

  • Anita (Caladrius Theless)

    Thank you! I loved "Rhett & Link 101"- very informative and entertaining. I especially appreciate being linked to that hilarious  unlisted introduction video.
    I had a trying day, and this was a treat to come home to. Thanks again. 

  • Marcus Bean (El Gusano)

  • K-Mod

    Victoria (Centauromadoose)

    Huh, that's a useful YouTube channel. Thanks for the song, Gumbo!

  • Liz Spurlock
