


Dallas, TX

United States

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  • K-Mod

    Kevin (UniSeal)

    Looks like our second "Rhett" has changed his profile now (though now sporting a doctored KBE badge on the profile image).

  • Victoria :)

    Thank you

  • Tara S. (Orange Alicorn)

  • Gisela Lamont (Unizamander)

    Hey Gumbo!
    Not sure if you'll remember me, but it's Gisela. I was here from 2011-2012 :)
    Recently, Emily (Lamont) and Josh (Blades) talked about having a Komm "reunion," and we'd like to gather as many people from that time as we can.
    Please let me know if you'd be interested! Thanks :)
  • Jessica (Swamp Chicken)

    I promise I won't forget! I will do it as soon as time allows me!

  • A.George Harrison (Le Fabulous)

    Wow...Marty was REALLY good at 14 years old...thanks for the video link!
  • Gisela Lamont (Unizamander)

    Well, not everyone is here all the time anymore. But some of us are still in touch outside the Komm, and so yeah we could all just set a time to be in the chat or something i am sorry for being incoherent i got like 3 hours of sleep
  • Hannah Uribe

    haha wow thanks :D gracias xP

  • Marcus Bean (El Gusano)

    I know everything is still there. I would like to access that account and would like to use it again. But I can't. And non of the mods that I've contacted have responded.

  • Elise (SolarBear)

    Thanks so much for the tour! I feel like I've really come quite aways on my journey to be a mythical beast!

  • Liron H

    Thanks for the tour, nice guy! I liked the "Shalom" greeting.. Hope I get 10% of the inside jokes here.. :)

  • Daniel McLaughlin

    Thanks for the guide, friend! :)

  • B R (Dapperlope)

    Thanks a lot for welcoming me to the community!

  • K-Mod

    Kevin (UniSeal)


  • Tanya (Sushicat)

    Thank you so much for the sushi cat picture!!!!! I love it!!!!!!!

  • Allan Emptage

    Haha yeah, you're getting all the fame though :D 

  • K-Mod

    Kevin (UniSeal)

    I realize this, so I of course had to inform you. We wouldn't want the mention to go unnoticed!

  • Allan Emptage

    I want to be recognised by Rhett and Link, you're so lucky! 



  • Scarlett (Bookmerlion)

    Thanks for the welcome message! :D

  • gulp93987

    thanks for the cool  welcome


  • Ben (Irish-Punk-Wolf)

    Hey gumbo, just had a look at the favorite page, trading card and crest. I am absolutely in awe of your work. yank you so much, or as they say in Ireland Cheers Mate :)

  • Ben (Irish-Punk-Wolf)

    That was meant to be thank you so much

  • Ben (Irish-Punk-Wolf)

    I hope you enjoyed Ireland (and it didn't rain the whole time) 

    PPS Who's Batman?

  • A.George Harrison (Le Fabulous)

    Hello, Gumbo
    I am not able to recall any other MB's that could have joined around the time I did.
    I lmalso know that I didn't have my account set on Private at the time I joined.
  • A.George Harrison (Le Fabulous)

  • Kate the Hippogryph

    Thank you so much for the welcome, it really made me feel comfortable joining! :)


    I actually started a group a while back for a MythiCon planning committee, but since you know waaay more about technical stuff, I can take it down and you can start a new one. Only one suggestion I have is, I think it would be best to make it the type of group where the administrator has to invite you to the group, so that the people who are actually helping are the only ones who can join. Anywho, feel free to go ahead and start the group. Thanks for all your help!

  • Melissa Jensen

    Thank you very much for the information and the welcome. 

  • Miles Rice

    Thanks for the before and after pics! HAHA! Awesome! I've officially been Rhettafied! lol

  • Stefan Charles Loper

    Thanks for the welcome!

  • Marsha L (MythiCaNerdian)

    Hey there! Just checking in. Hope things are going well with you! :)

  • Thomas

    Thanks for the welcome!! :)
  • Taylor Bernard

    Thanks so much!!

  • bAdmanda Denis

    WoW thanks for the welcome, that is so kool!

  • Melissa

    Thanks for the welcome!!

  • K-Mod

    Victoria (Centauromadoose)

    *Gasp* You revealed yourself! I did wonder if you'd show any photos.

    I don't know if Moose mentioned it, but I was so excited you two got to meet. Really love the pictures. :)

  • Andrew Harison

    Thank you for the help!! Much appreciated :)
  • Gherkin

  • Lucas (I'm Brony and I'm Proud)

    That is too awesome my man - totally made my night - YEAH!!! ;)

  • Jeni Pugh

    Hi! I’m still fairly new to this whole phenomenon and am not quite sure how to go about this, but I noticed that you're posting welcoming posts to peoples pages, so maybe you can answer my question?

                I’m currently taking a composition course and we have to write our final paper on a discourse community (a community that shares basic values and means of communication). I think that Rhett and Link, and the Kommunity are the perfect example of this and I think it would be awesome to be able to write about. I love that they’re using the internet to connect people in such a unique way.

                The problem is, I need to be able to interview someone for this paper. Is there any way I could contact someone (not necessarily Rhett and/or Link) who could answer some specific questions for me about the Kommunity; their goals, and a few other things? I need to turn in the proposal for my paper by Monday at 8am (EST), I know this is short notice, but if you could get back to me as soon as possible that would be wonderful! (All I need to know by Monday is that I would be able to email/communicate somehow with someone) Thank you so much!!

  • Marsha L (MythiCaNerdian)

    Just checking to see if I 'comment back' if it will remove the 'approve comment' note.



  • Marsha L (MythiCaNerdian)

    And the pictures of you and Moose make me very happy. I hope to get to meet some Mythical Beasts some day!


  • Tiffany (Selkie)

    Hi Gumbo. Thank you for sharing info about the Airborne Angel Cadets of Texas. Really appreciate that, and I hope to contribute soon. Perhaps you have more information that might help me? If you have time, please see a discussion I posted in the group "Veteran Surporters". I'm looking for people who know more about the situation than I do.

  • Marsha L (MythiCaNerdian)

    Yes, so I've been able to approve all comments and they show up on my page...all good. But there is just that one that doesn't have an "approve" button. So I still have the notification. Strange.


  • Marcus Bean (El Gusano)

    Hey Gumbo, that robot thing that robot virus thing is back.

    At this point I believe that it would be best if it was banned from the site entirely, I doubt I'll ever get it back. I would send BananaAnna a message myself, but we're not friends on this account.

    I may need a minute to get all of the kreations on my computer though. (I delete them from my computer after they're posted)

  • Lilian Brandon (Tachyonic Raven)

    Oh hey, now we know what you look like! Very cool that you got to meet up with Moose!

  • Nolan (Jedi~Squirrel)

    Wow.  I never thought I would see a picture of you Gumbo.  I just have one question, I do not know moosepig  so I'm just wondering which one is you?

  • Haylie (The Littlest Rhino)

    Haha, that made me smile :) Thanks for the welcome!

  • Tbremise

    I'll have to take a look at that, thanks for the welcome.