


Dallas, TX

United States

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  • K-Mod

    Kevin (UniSeal)

    My oh my, that sure kicked into gear quickly! I'll certainly do finale statistics that will be far less grim than the projection!

  • Gladys Soultanian

    Thank you!!!!!

  • Christian (NillaWafer Dragon)

    Thanks, but I was way ahead of ya with the guide. XD
  • Peter Sara (Ceruptilisk)

    You seem to know everything, so I'll just ask you because I can't find the most appropriate place to ask.

    Is there anywhere we can see a constant status of the Mythical Mail Boulder? If not, I think it would be cool if there was a place on this website where they can upload photos periodically so we can watch the boulder grow over time.

  • Delilah Lamont

    It's great to be here :D XD

  • Beth Winze

    Thanks so much!! :D

  • Alice Laybourne (LinxSphinx)

    Thanks for the tour...just need to think of a mythical beast name no one has used!

  • beemo

    Thanks! i am really going to use that! (no sarcasm) :)

  • Marsha L (MythiCaNerdian)

    Thanks for the Mythical Canada Day greetings!!

  • Mack (Alrokabeesk)

    Thanks Gumbo! Happy Belated Canada Day back!!!!!!!

  • Cassandra L.M.

    Thanks so much for the warm welcome! :)

  • Paulo (z-25 the sensitive robot)

    thank you for the introduction! But i'll have to read it in a couple of days cause i'm with my finals exams. But im really looking forward to explore this kommunity!

  • Marsha L (MythiCaNerdian)

    COOL! I hadn't seen the 2014 yet!

  • William Almond

    Thanks for that tour guide bro!

  • Jessica Vasquez

    Thank you very much for asking for my preference. :) Honestly, I'm not partial to any model. The one you posted looks really nice.

  • Emily Dowel

    Thanks for the warm welcome.  I checked out the link even though I have been watching rhett and link's videos on you tube for a while and I already know alot of stuff.

  • Eliseo Llobet (Furby)

    That was really useful, thank you very much! :D

  • Nico Sweeney

    thanks for making me feel welcome!

  • Britt (loco mermaid)

    Thanks for helping me
  • Tyler Johnson

    cheers mate

  • Marcus Bean (Wilt)

  • Marcus Bean (Wilt)

    I was wondering how many mythical beasts join a day? I think we'll hit 40,000 tomorrow because only 78 more have to join. But what's the exact number?

  • Marco (Dramatic Squirrel)

  • Ayesha Shaheen

    Thanks for the warm welcome :D

  • K-Mod

    Kevin (UniSeal)

    You're certainly getting to use your Spam banner (spanner? - Rusty and Larnold?) a lot more than usual lately. Not sure why these past few weeks have seen such an increase in bots.

  • Bradley Dickinson (squirrelgon)

    thank you gumbo123

  • EPIC Pop-Tart (Winged Turcoon)

    I know you asked me this a while ago about what picture for the welcome kommitee update banner thing I wanted you to use. You can just use my profile pic
  • EPIC Pop-Tart (Winged Turcoon)

    For my picture the original is on Brenda Hancocks page if you can find it
  • Kay (Unicornus Rex)

    Hey, Gumbo! I'm not sure how many votes are needed - mostly just a steady high score over the course of a week. Then the producers decide whether it's worth mass producing.

  • minergal (winged squirtle)

    i just added a profile pic and for my location put San Diego, California

  • Jason Inman (Gorgonaximorus)

    All the Mythical Show Winners will be getting their phonecalls soon. Production of the show took away our free time to contact and shoot a video every week of it. Not sure if the next calls will be released on video. But their names will be announced on the Kommunity soon.

    And Professor is doing great!

  • Megan Marie Cox

    Are you a real person or some made up weird computer thingy?
  • Gabriella Mammia

    thank you for the welcome!! :)


  • Erin McMythical (EMc2)

    Thank-you Gumbo!!! :D

  • Sydney Leighann King

    Thank you your wonderful comment on my page lol

  • Christina (griffin with manners)

    Thanks for the welcome comment! How hospitable!

  • Marco (Dramatic Squirrel)

    Hey Gumbo.

    I will tell u why i havnt post the banner last time...

    I am on summervacation in Peru...

    And my banner is saved in my cellphone but my batterie aws low... for 5 days and i cant charge it cuz i cant found the cable....

    So im really sorry for not telling u this earlier.

    And i got your message and yes. :D i will post a photo of me as my profile pic (but i think i post a photo with my cousin (i dont like photos :D (really ._.))) 

    But i dont know when i post it. i will message u :)

    So see you next time ;) ----Marco-----

  • Katie【Unicorndawg】

    You sir are correct. First time EVER changing my profile picture (besides other times where I only temporally change it for like 15 minutes) 

  • Katie【Unicorndawg】

    I've noticed that when I go to welcome new members you have been posting "SPAM ALERT" messages on their pages, and so far i've seen a lot of them. I went to go welcome so new members today, but a lot of them seem kind of suspicious  because all of them have a full name and no profile picture (Because occasionally there are some people who don't put their full name, use a username, have created a beast name, don't capitalize their name, etc.) I posted a welcome banner on a lot of the pages and I stopped midway when I realized that they might possibly be spam. So.....I don't know what to do now :-/ Have you informed Jason about this? 

  • Maddy Madsen (Minotaurus Rex)

    Hey, Lindsay Willard is a spammer. Just thought you should know so you could look them up and SPAM ALERT them. Kthnxbai.

  • Andrew Timothy Voss

    Hey man, I just joined three days ago and only have two friends. Would you friend me? Your page is awesome, and heck I just love Gumbo!
  • Shiloh Hollister

    Thank you so much Gumbo123!!!!!!!! You made me feel so welcome :)
  • cheetah dragon

    than you so much you made me feel at home

  • Smile Misoh Lee

    Thank you so deliciously much for the welcome message! I cried a little (no, seriously). Thanks again! :D

  • Safira (Cromeleon)

    Thanks Gumbo, that's an awesome banner! 

  • Katie【Unicorndawg】

    You can keep my old profile picture on the welcome kommittee roster update thing, it does look cooler, and I  don't look much different, the fact that my entire face isn't showing. 

  • Emi Centeno


  • Chris (dragonclops)

  • steve (king of ghost raccoon's)

    Hello!,umm I really like the photo of the beatles actually and any breed will actually :D thank you by the way

  • Eevie T. (GoatPiñata)

    Thanks for the photo....  ;)