Corey Kramer (Ghost Chicken)


Minneapolis, MN

United States

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  • Tegalto/Tess G. (Twin Phoenix)

    Well now you can be friends with both of the twin phoenixes! Now your life is complete! ;)
  • ✞JeanWifeMoMhorphin✞
  • Teresa U - Twin Phoenix - TnT

    Hope that your con is going well!!
  • Edlives (Dragon)

    Very cool, like the pics....
  • Teresa U - Twin Phoenix - TnT

    I love the choco chips cookie song!!

    And you are most welcome! It's pretty awesome!!
  • Nikki Reed (Chickcharnie)

    Thanks! I was quite surprised that she was able to sit still and focus for that long, actually. lol She was bouncing off the walls the rest of the time!
  • JoJo Dodd (Capricious Penguin)

    No problem, great stuff!
  • Eve - Evelina Waara (Dextria)

    Corey, I would love to! Do we have a deal?
  • Eve - Evelina Waara (Dextria)

    No worries, take your time :)
    I'm scurrying off to sketch it right now! This is going to be so much fun!
  • Ben Burton (Mr. Frumious)

    Corey, I just gotta say that you seem like a pretty cool guy. I love your cartoons and your taste in music. If I ever pass through Minneapolis, I think it would be be cool to hang out.

    Earlier this year, I started recording my own variety of novelty songs, which you might get a kick out of, most of which are posted on my profile page. I even got props from Dr. Demento for a music video I made, saying that it was "quite remarkable" (but it would be hard to use the video on his radio show...).

    Anyway, glad to to meet you here in the Kommunity. :)
  • Eve - Evelina Waara (Dextria)

    I can't wait to see it! Bet it's awesome!
    I'm almost done with yours, but it still needs some finishing touches. Should be up 'til tonight.
    Btw, I love that Arkham asylum-song! I'm listening to it right at this moment
  • Eve - Evelina Waara (Dextria)

  • Ben Burton (Mr. Frumious)

    Cool, I had not heard of the FuMP before. That definitely seems like a cool place, although I don't know if I'm cool enough to hang with the likes of Jonathan Coulton....

    Just submitted my apostrophe song to their Sideshow. If they like it, I guess it will be posted on Monday.... Thanks!
  • Ben Burton (Mr. Frumious)

    Thanks, man. We'll see where this thing goes. I'm really just treating this whole music-making thing as a hobby for now..... Once I'm ready for a full on album cover I will definitely hit you up.... :)
  • Eve - Evelina Waara (Dextria)

    I love it so much! You're awesome!
  • Teresa U - Twin Phoenix - TnT

    Love the fold-a-figures!!! And... I see some phoenixes that are twins!!! :D
  • Tammy (Landshark)

    Have I told you how talented you are lately? If not, you should know that you are EXTREMELY talented! LOVE how you capture R&L and everyone with your own unique style. Great art Corey, keep it coming!!!
  • ✞JeanWifeMoMhorphin✞

    I hate to say this but I am getting old. Can you send the directions a little bit bigger. I went and printed out the R & L pages got Rhett cut out. I can't see the instruction very well. I also tried to paint them no go. I can do it but it's going to take a long time. I can't wait to get them put together for you.

    Take care.
  • Lynn (Mama Bear)

    OUTSTANDING work, Corey! I can see why you were so excited! Thanks for making the kommunity a bunch more awesome with the fold-a-figures! I've let the guys know so they'll be sure to see them today!
  • ✞JeanWifeMoMhorphin✞

    I cut it all out last night and this morning. Next is the gluing. Wish me luck. I hope I don't glue my eyes shut. ;-)

    I'll take pictures so you can see how they look. Have you made them already?
  • Tammy (Landshark)

    Those figs aren't too intimidatin' to me at all! I have lots of artsy supplies, Xacto knife and even a tiny scissors...can you help me with printing? I went to print and they are MEGA huge! I can edit to get them to print 8.5" by 11", but just wanted your suggestions. Again, GREAT job. I shall color, assemble and post a pic.
  • Link

    Yo Gchicken! amzing work on the foldafigures!
    I think you should make your Fold-a-Figures a KBE! Post a new discussion in the KBE category (Just copy and paste what you wrote in the Fan Art discussion). Then invite people to post photos or video of their colored cutout creations. Be sure to tell em to tag their uploads with "foldafigure kbe". go for it!
  • Mel (Salerbatis)

    The KBE you created is entirely too cool. And I love anything that requires me to use an X-acto knife, so it's a double-win!
  • Melissa (Red Chaneque-Scully)

    Thanks for the add.... its nice to know I am not the only one crazy enough to live here... I grew up in ND actually... my dad lives in Hillsboro and my mom lives in Fargo... so going to school in the Cities I constantly had people ask me... are people in Fargo like in the movie Fargo.... Seriously wanted to punch every person that asked me that... :)....
  • ✞JeanWifeMoMhorphin✞


    Sorry I tried to get The fold-a-figures colored via computer. Just isn't working. I do love seeing those who have already finished theirs.
  • Eve - Evelina Waara (Dextria)

    (Answering here instead of on FB)
    Oh Corey, you're such a sweetheart! Nonono, do it whenever you feel like it, I don't want you to feel stressed because of me. And I can't wait for the poster, I bet it'll be, right, EPIC!
  • Eve - Evelina Waara (Dextria)

    Hi there, how's life on the "other side of the pond"?
  • Tammy (Landshark)

    Haha, Corey that brought a smile to my face! Funny, I thought of your project today watching today's vlog where they really showed all the walls of the new studio--can't wait to see to see your finished project (and if you're secretly sending it to them!) For now, I am stuck in the 80's and thanks for thinking of me!! :o)
  • Rebecca (Randaneko)

    Thank you very much for welcoming me! I like it here!
  • Tammy (Landshark)

    Happy Birthday fellow Mythical Beast! Your artwork and Kreativity rawk my socks! Hope your day is great!!!
  • Matthew Snipes

    Thanks, got some pretty sweet artwork there dude.
  • ✞JeanWifeMoMhorphin✞

    Hey Corey, was looking to listen to your chicken song. What happened to your music???

    Hope all is well with you. I will be better hearing the chicken song.. ;-)
  • ✞JeanWifeMoMhorphin✞

  • ✞JeanWifeMoMhorphin✞

  • ✞JeanWifeMoMhorphin✞

    They are great. love this song they did.
  • Tina (Llamaface) Kramer

    Well thank you for the welcome Ghost Chicken. I have heard so much about you and your art! I'm an artist too! It seems like we have more in common than just our last names! :D
  • Little Lottie (squeezyjackalope)

    Thanks for the warm welcome x
  • Tina (Llamaface) Kramer

    I feel so special just being linked to you in this small, yet beastly way. *tears up* Wow, I kinda feel like a creeper... O.o
  • Tina (Llamaface) Kramer

    BAHAHA The Kommunity is all about creeping? hahaha jkjk I understood what you meant. I'm just being silly... cuz yeah... so... yeah... *creeps*
  • Julia Draxten

    We are cheap and this gift was mom and Julia

  • K-Mod


    Happy Friday the 13th!

  • K-Mod


    Congrats on the launch of Wonder Weenies. The website looks great.

    Hope you don't mind, but I'm adding a link to your site so all your beastly fans can enjoy: WONDER WEENIES
  • Eve - Evelina Waara (Dextria)

    Hi there Corey, hope you're doing well :)
  • ŽaltysEglė

  • ŽaltysEglė


  • K-Mod


    Enjoying the adventures over at Wonder Weenie. Let me give you a break from all that shameless self promotion . . . I'll post for you . . .

  • K-Mod


    loved this one:

  • K-Mod


  • Pat (Buffalo [w/] wings)

    I liked your design they showed on the mythical shoe revealed video

  • K-Mod


      .  .  .  well, okay  .  .  .  but only because you asked so nicely: