Chris Johansson (Skoll)




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  • Aly And Cate (Two headed AlyCat)

    Very very great :D

    How about yourself??
  • Eve - Evelina Waara (Dextria)

    MSN försvann D:
  • Danielle (Zunidale)

    Thank you for allowing me to be your friiiiend! :) lol
  • ssamanthaa❤ [kute.kuddly.kitty]

    You are quite welcome! (:
  • katie (dragonduckie)

    thanks (:
  • Melissa (Nomtastic)

    I just wanted to say i watched your vid on the fireflies thing an i loved it! It was so funny!
  • Cara Canelli (CaraBarracuda)

    Chris! I just wanted to say thanks for "featuring" me during the WhileTheyWereOutKast. That seriously made my night. Lol :]
  • Lauren [Razom]

    That's great, I just don't want you to hurt yourself, is all. Dx
  • Lauren [Razom]

    Aw, that really sucks!!
    ...I don't know what I can tell you to cheer you up...>/body>
  • Lauren [Razom]

    Well, good luck, I know you'll find the one girl for you someday. ^^"
  • Emily (Two-Eyed Cyclops)

    Haha, any time, Chris!! :)
  • Lauren [Razom]

    Oh, cool. That sounds like fun, maybe I should try it one day. x]
  • Lauren [Razom]

    I'm sure it'll be great, I can't wait! x]
  • Lauren [Razom]

    What do you think about if I join your vlogging? Since you'll do a vlog Wednesday and Sunday, why don't I try for Monday and Friday? I understand if you want to do this by yourself, but I thought it sounded like fun, and people will get to hear us both, instead of just one person, and get twice the number of vlogs every week. xD
    ...But first I gotta figure out how this video camera works...xDD
  • Lauren [Razom]

    Really?? =D
    Awesome! I'm so glad you're up for it, I got some pretty good ideas, I think!
    I should get started messing with my camera ASAP, I guess, tomorrow's the first day! xDD
  • Lauren [Razom]

    I'm pretty excited to actually do it, too. xDD
  • Lauren [Razom]

    Alrighty, here's the first one...Is there anything I need to add?
    (or take out? x])
  • Lauren [Razom]

  • Lauren [Razom]

    Sweet, I'm glad you like it!
    And I'm sure yours will be even awesomer. xDD
    I'll go post it now ~
  • Lauren [Razom]

    Hahaha, that was awesome!!
    I was laughing the whole time, which is pretty good, considering it was only the introduction vlog. xD
  • Lauren [Razom]

    I thought it was cool how every so often you would randomly play your guitar, so I thought I might do that with my tuba/trombone/trumpet. x]
    Also, I think I need to move around some more, 'cuz I love how you did. xDD
    And I need to add some random hats, and maybe change shirts throughout the vlog...I dunno, little random things that might be pretty funny. ^^
  • Charbel (Randler Wolf)

    Hi Chris
    do you know when Rhett and Link are gonna do another livekast?
  • Elysium {NekoYoukai}

    Hi there.
    Last week during the WTWOK you metioned Matthew Good. I liked your cover of his song so I checked him out. Just wanted to say thanks for more musical happiness.
  • ✞JeanWifeMoMhorphin✞

    It makes me sad that some people show love on special occasions and not the whole year. Love is one of those things we can make a choice to do. I choose to love because I love being loved.
  • Cara Canelli (CaraBarracuda)

    Haha, if it did happen, those people would have you to thank! XD
  • Jenny (Hippogriffical Tigress)

    Hey Chris!
    It might seem like we haven't talked in a while, but we have. O.o I'm subscribed to your YouTube channel as SMFortissimo. So while you've missed me, I really haven't missed you. I saw you everyday of January, and now twice a week. And yet you didn't see me. I guess that hearkens back to your sign off during the January Writer's Madness "I won't see you. You will see me tomorrow."
    You're doing a great job, by the way, with your current endeavor.
  • Danielle (Zunidale)

    Just saying heyyyy! :)
  • Danielle (Zunidale)

    Not too much! Just lookin' around the kommunity! :)
  • Jenny (Hippogriffical Tigress)

    Hey Chris,
    You inspired me to write a song in response to the song you wrote me. It's not that good, but it's a song! I might try and upload it here, sometime in the near future. I can't play it very well on guitar, so it might just be on keyboard. Is that cool?
  • Lauren [Razom]

    Hehe, nice new profile pic. x]
    Have you decided what you want to do next month yet?
    I'm having fun with the vlogs, and, depending on what you decide to do, I might want to keep it up with you, if you don't mind, of course. ^^
  • Lauren [Razom]

    LOLOL, new nickname. x]
    Alrighty, I can't wait [like always xD]!! ~ ^^
  • Lauren [Razom]

    About how long does it usually take for you to edit your vlog?
    It takes me like an hour and a half, which is why mine are always up so late. -___-"

    Haha, have you ever heard of Death Note?
    One of the character's names is L. xD
  • Lauren [Razom]

    Oh, I procrastinate too, I usually don't start until about 2 hours before I'm supposed to go to bed, then after I finish and upload it, it takes me about another hour to finish homework. [on Mondays, anyway. xP]

    That's weird, I wonder why it times you out while you're uploading...?
    Do you have it set on "stay logged in?"

    Aww, thanks! ^^
  • Lauren [Razom]

    That's really weird, do you use a wireless connection or something?
  • Philip (Groffgryphon) Austin

    Saw your Swedish curling team kick butt in the bronze match against the Swiss. I still don't know all the logistics and rules/strategies for curling, but they did a great job and used incredible precision.
  • ✞JeanWifeMoMhorphin✞

    Chris, jag hoppas du har en underbar dag. Det är några dagar sedan jag såg dig och pratade med dig. Jag hittade denna Google översättare och ville prata med dig på ditt språk. FUN!
    Kramar från Washington till min vän i Sverige.
  • ✞JeanWifeMoMhorphin✞

    Jag använder Google Translate. Jag älskar Google. Det verkar tilldela människor har problem med internet. Jag tappar det minst en gång i veckan. Jag är glad att du kunde se mitt brev till dig. Ta hand om dig.

    Hugs! Från din vän

  • Eve - Evelina Waara (Dextria)

    Hejdu, pengarna tog slut på min fon, så det var därför jag inte kunde svara ;* <3
  • Cara Canelli (CaraBarracuda)

    Just stoppin' by to say hello, so...hello! :]
  • ✞JeanWifeMoMhorphin✞

  • Jack Stevenson The RowelPyranto

    YES!!! Dude! You have no idea how much we missed you! I had like 3 people ask me where you were! Great to hear from you again!
  • Lauren [Razom]

    YOU TOO! x]
  • Lauren [Razom]

    Not much, just waiting for school to be over!
    What's up with you?
    Welcome back, by the way! x]
  • Steph G. (FireWolf)

    I know you're a guitar player! :) I mean do you want to work your entire life as a guitarist?
  • John Stratman (Stratmaster J)

    Happy Birthday!
  • ✞JeanWifeMoMhorphin✞

    O where, O where has Chris gone? O where O where can he be????

    Chris you need to inter the supernote if you haven't already...

    Miss ya my friend.
  • Cara Canelli (CaraBarracuda)

    I second Jeanette's comment.

    I also suggest a tokbox party sometime soon. Okay? Okay. x]
  • Mack (Alrokabeesk)

    Yay! we're friends!
  • Mack (Alrokabeesk)

    Something really made me angry and I figured you would understand.

    Matthew Good is coming to a city about 20 minutes away from mine this month. The plus, IT'S MATTHEW GOOD. The's 18+ show. I have never been so irritated in all of my life.
  • Mack (Alrokabeesk)

    .....I even have money. Ahhhh :'(((((