Teresa U - Twin Phoenix - TnT


Memphis, TN

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Nigel (The reverse Centaur)

    thnks for the comment on the pic :) :)
    that was in New York City....
  • Tegalto/Tess G. (Twin Phoenix)

    Haha, no I don't have a job yet. I'll be student teaching starting in August, and then I can start applying to jobs. ;)

    I'm a student at Northern Arizona University. The NAU Shrine of the Ages Choir that I was in sang at the ACDA Western Division Convention last year in Anaheim. Have you heard of my professor, Dr. Edith Copley?
  • Tegalto/Tess G. (Twin Phoenix)

    Haha... Dr. Sullivan! Small world! You know he got there my Sophomore year, and at first we were skeptical, but he's been doing a lot of good stuff for the School of Music. He can be a dork sometimes, and I like him a lot.

    Yeah, I was at the Oklahoma Convention! I tell you what though, the drive from Flagstaff to OKC was pretty miserable for me, because I got food poisoning the night before we left, and I could barely eat anything for about 2 or 3 days. Another one of my prof's (and the one I'm closest to. I've babysat for him a couple times), our associate director of choral studies Dr. Ryan Holder did an interest session for male directors on how to relate to women's choirs.

    If I can make it to Chicago for the next national convention (I'll be a poor first year teacher, provided I find a job) we'll have to meet up or something!
  • Tegalto/Tess G. (Twin Phoenix)

    I told you! Aren't they the best thing ever?
  • Laura (Chiturtle)

    Yeah! I am concentrating in voice. The plan right now is to teach high school choir. But you never know how the job market goes.

    Indiana is an amazing school! My voice teacher, Harry Musselwhite, actually graduated there. He was a student of Margaret Harshaw.

    I start my pre-planning the 31st. Hopefully all will go well. What about you? What is your concentration?
  • Laura (Chiturtle)

    Oops. My bad. haha! I am not familiar with the schools in Indiana at all. Oh well. Well, I guess we have to be rivals and make cheap jokes about one another...I am a mezzo-soprano! Haha!

    Pre-planning is the time before school begins where teachers are required to work for so many days planning for school to begin. Basically I will be going to meetings and doing busy work for the teacher. Then, once the school year actually begins I can start helping teach. Pre-planning falls under the umbrella of student teaching at Berry College.

    Our student teaching is kind of complicated. We are required to have "field experience" in each of the three grade sections (elementary, middle and high school). Each field experience coincides with a required class. The first class requires only 15 hours in the classroom. The second requires 30 hours. The last requires 100+ the first semester, then 140+ the second semester. So, naturally, whatever level you want to teach the least, you use for the first field experience. I did not want to teach middle school, so I used it for the least amount. The second class is the middle amount, so I taught elementary. The last is the bulk for which I will be in the high school.

    On retrospect, that was probably way more information than you ever wanted to know or read. But that is the basic idea. It is a lot easier than it sounds, trust me.
  • Laura (Chiturtle)

    Yeah, I tried singing soprano a couple of times. My voice teacher actually thought I was a soprano for a while because I have such a bright tone, but he changed me to alto this past year. I like singing towards the top of my range, but it just doesn't sound as great as my lower range.

    Your student teaching sounds awesome. I would much rather do your school's than mine. We have to climb through so much paperwork just to get into the classroom.

    So, are you planning on going to Looking for Ms. Locklear? I just bought my ticket yesterday. I got my best friend hooked on R&L so she is coming with me. Love to see you there!
  • Laura (Chiturtle)

    Aww! Too bad you aren't closer.

    I am thinking about signing up for ACDA. I wanted to a while back, but didn't have the money at the time. I am in CMENC and NEA, though. You?
  • Suzy (Bluenosed Water Leaper)

    Hi Teresa... I sing in a choir too (church) and a soloist... Love it. At least I (we) get to use the talent to glorify God! Important! TAKE CARE !
  • Laura (Chiturtle)

    Hmmm...I think that you have convinced me to join! Haha. I have wanted to for a while, but just haven't done it yet. I think I am going to do that this weekend. Sorry you haven't been able to get a lot out of MENC. The GMEA (Georgia music educators) chapter of MENC is amazing. The convention was spectacular. We had several big names in choral music come and give lectures and stuff. It was a blast. I learned so much and made some really good contacts. I know I will be doing a lot more this do round than last time, just because I am a senior.

    Gosh, it feels like just yesterday I was a little freshmen entering the phenomenon known as college.
  • Cara Canelli (CaraBarracuda)

    Thanks for the comment on my video! :) And yes, the song playing is Lemonade by Chris Rice.
  • Elise (The Elliephant)

  • Elise (The Elliephant)

  • Suzy (Bluenosed Water Leaper)

    LOVE YOUR DANCE PARTY ! Ahh. I remember college.. fun days! Great confessions too !!!!!
  • Paul Dufilho

    Thanks, Teresa!! I appreciate that! It was so much fun to do. I can't wait for the next CBE!
  • Corey Kramer (Ghost Chicken)

    Thanks, and yes I am.
    ...enjoying the kommunity... thus far.
  • Mel (Salerbatis)

    Thanks for chatting with me during the kast...good times.

    Your dance party looked like fun!!!
  • Lynn (Mama Bear)

    Friends at last!
  • Link

    oooo i forgot about telling that story...maybe this next Kast...?
  • Robin Dufilho (Puck)

    I want to know about your mythical beast. Why did you choose a twin phoenix?
  • Aly And Cate (Two headed AlyCat)

    We were going to be a twin phoenix too :)
    Cool cool!
  • LaurenS14 (TwinklingBeatle)

    congrats on your shout out during the kast and not to mention all of your awesome contributions to the kommunity!
  • Elise (The Elliephant)

    thanks for subscribing to my youtube channel :D
  • John Stratman (Stratmaster J)

    aah, ic. thanx
  • Mikequad (Shenlong)

    im glad u liked my pics ... ive enjoyed watching ur videos
  • Tammy (Landshark)

    Way to go Teresa! You totally earned that spot as a Featured Member! You're going to be Mayor of the R&L Kommunity some day!! :o)
  • Eve - Evelina Waara (Dextria)

    Thanks for the comment on my photo :)
  • Corey Kramer (Ghost Chicken)

    Thanks... I hadn't picked a beast name, but "ghost chicken" could work...
  • Tammy (Landshark)

    Thank you Teresa and fellow fe-mells!! You pranked me into total ROFL-dom tonight!
  • Tammy (Landshark)

    OMG!!! MOO and OINK!! I hope you posted that to R&L for a BAD local commercial example! That was AWESOME! Watched it twice, and Immabout to watch it again! Thanks for the ROFL!
  • Tammy (Landshark)

    Check this one out, eagle man/woman strikes again!


    (I thought I was going to bed! Guess not! TGISaturday!)
  • Cheryl Causey (SeaHorseWhiperer)

    Haha, yeah, I haven't been here much this week. Thanks for stoppin' by to say HI and I hope to see you in a chat again sometime. :)
  • Bethany Welcher

    Hey, I can't figure out how to upload a video of me opening my Looking for Ms. Locklear movie. I can't even figure out where your inbox is to send it to you and I tried installing that thing and it didn't work.
  • Tegalto/Tess G. (Twin Phoenix)

    Haha... But it doesn't have to be a war if we don't respond. ;)
  • Rene De La Cruz (El Chupacabra)

    You are like my favorite! I need to write a song about you! Have a good Sunday!
  • Corey Kramer (Ghost Chicken)

    Glad you liked the E-Ministrator! Your Pleasure POP cartoon is on the way soon, I promise!
  • Rene De La Cruz (El Chupacabra)

    Thanks for the heads up on the featured Kommunity Member thing! I started watching that video and then I got a phone call, and never went back to it. You are so awesome!
  • Savannah Freeman

    it was FANTASTIC. i went with EF tours and had so much fun, i also went to china a few years back with the exchange student program. also amazing. and im planning to go to new zeland next year. i can not wait!
  • Mel (Salerbatis)

    I'm loving your "sistah/dissed-UH!" rhyme. Brilliant!!
  • Tammy (Landshark)

    I'm white, and this rap-off is for me.
  • Corey Kramer (Ghost Chicken)

    Just posted-slash-emailed my Pleasure Poppin' pic! I hope ya luv it!