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  • Lucas (I'm Brony and I'm Proud)

    I have one now - YEAH!!! :)

  • Briana Groves

    Greetings fellow Mythical Beasts.  I only joined the Kommunity a few days ago, so this is my first group.  I wish I could say that I've known about Rhett and Link for a while, but I truly only discovered them when I stumbled upon their YouTube Challenge Challenge.  Thankfully, my job as a librarian allows me to have some time off in the summer, so I am well on my way to catching up with "Good Morning Chia Lincoln" and "Good Mythical Morning".  I'm all caught up on "The Mythical Show".  Can't wait to see what else I might discover as a Mythical Beast!

  • Buffy (Winged Kitty Demon)

    Are they bringing back GMM? I love the Mythical Show, obviously, but I really miss my dose of mythicality every morning. :(

  • Maddy Madsen (Minotaurus Rex)

    @buffy I believe they are. They said they would afte TMS, but it might go longer than   the planned 12 episodes. TMS is pretty frikkin awesome, but I must admit I also miss GMM. :|

  • Sergei Kerensky

    they stopped making GMM?!

  • Maddy Madsen (Minotaurus Rex)


    Yep. About 2 months ago...

  • Maddy Madsen (Minotaurus Rex)

    But they're gonna start it back up after TMS.

  • Ryan Graham

    I miss Mythical Mornings!

  • Laurel S.

    What is TMS? 

  • K-Mod


    TMS = The Mythical Show

  • t-bomb

    tms is "the mythical show"

  • Brooke (Hooded Flying Squirrel)

    I cannot wait for them to start back up. I love TMS, but I REALLY loved GMM. I wish they still did them like two times a week or something. 

  • steve hopgood

    wasabi(greetings) I love watching your show im a big fan my fave show was the one on optical illusions

  • Jordan(hairy penguin)


  • K-Mod



    GMM Returns! Starting Tuesday, Sept. 3rd.

    Everyday Weekday Morning!

    Subscribe so you don’t miss an episode!

  • Melani Traverez (Encantado)

    Can't wait!!
  • Dobby Zaremba

    Ys! I've been so lost without them
  • Marcus Bean (Wilt)

    Promote Rhett and Link!

    React to Rhett and Link, check this KBE for more information!

  • Olivia The Purple Hearted Taurus

    I made a promo for GMM 2013 baby!!! Get ready for september 3rd!!

  • Keith (The Wildabeast)

    1999 members!

  • K-Mod


    THANKS!  Wildabeast for the heads-up on GMM group member count.  Guess I'll need to prepare a special badge for the MB who puts this over the top as we are quickly approaching two kommunity milestones - - - >

    • 1 more member to hit the 2,000 mark
    • 3 more members to overtake Rhett&Link Fans International for the overall leader position.

  • Just Justine (Winged Centaur)

    I can't believe I haven't joined this group yet.  ._.

  • K-Mod


    Justine = #1,999

  • EPIC Pop-Tart (Winged Turcoon)

    2001 members!!!
  • Olivia The Purple Hearted Taurus

    2005 members!

  • Rachel T. (HuneyBadgerFox)

    I am so excited Good Mythical Morning is only a week away!!!!!!! I am looking forward to having something to look forward to on school mornings. There is nothing like breakfast, coffee and Good Mythical Morning. 

  • Lilian Brandon (Tachyonic Raven)

    I can't stop watching and cracking up over the new commercial for GMM (the cereal one). The end is internet comment rage/distress personified; I love it. :P

  • K-Mod


    YUP!  best part? 


    I really hate those things.

  • Rachel T. (HuneyBadgerFox)

    I hope they bring back The Future According to Rhett and Link's Golden Advice for Single Guys.

  • Becky Perez

    I always like when they play like a game.

  • Elysium {NekoYoukai}

    I had stopped watching GMM for a long time, but I watched all of season 2 and 3 in like 2 weeks. I am up to date finally!

  • K-Mod


    Back in the USA and two weeks of GMM + GMMore to catch up on . . . I see a weekend marathon in my near future.


    Keep Calm and Love GMM. Lol

  • Marcus Bean (El Gusano)

    160 likes until 1000.

  • Lilian Brandon (Tachyonic Raven)

    You know what I just realized? They no longer mention a sponsor at the beginning of an episode. Turns out I'm really unobservant and they haven't done that since the last episode of GMM Season 2.

  • Grace Parker

    Help me think of a mythical beast name! It's URGENT!

    What are your favorite animals (2)

  • Lindsay Caroline Martinez

    Yay! I'm now in a group

  • Codester

    hey guys just do I mail Rhett and link an item that I bought.

  • Rachel T. (HuneyBadgerFox)

    Codester, first of all welkomm! You can find the mailing address in the description of Good Mythical Morning. 

  • Scarlet (Scarletdarkwolf)

    I'm in a group!
  • Kemi Ola (The Unipegacorn)

    Is there I way I can find a list of GMM endings for season 4?
  • Caitrin (WereRedPanda)

    There's probably one around here, but I also made a guide to the episodes here: List of Rhett & Link Morning Show Episodes

  • K-Mod


    @ Kemi Ola - - - if you are talking about the Wheel of Mythicality subjects for each episode, another kommunity member Phil (Duckbilled Baronyx) had been creating those lists,  but I haven't seen him around here lately.

    Phil’s listings for Season 1-3 are accessible by the links in the header above.

    If you would like to take up that daily effort and create a discussion topic here on the GMM Fans group page for Season 4 and beyond I would be glad to add a feature link to the header.  If I don't hear from you in the next few days, it's open to whoever wants to take over that task . . . or I just might be tempted to do it myself.

  • Kemi Ola (The Unipegacorn)

    I wouldn't mind doing for season 4, but I don't know how to do it.
  • Aaron Chaney

    I remember when I watched my first episode. You could say it was..... Mythical? HAHAHAHAHA, I need friends. XD

  • Pastor T Rich

    I love these guys!

    They're a couple of years younger than me, but remind me of me and my friend Shawn and the shenanigans we would get into when we were younger.

    Also, is it just me, or does Link look like the love child of Paul Rudd and Dana Carvey?

  • Mars Rei (Cheez Whizard/Dayoika)

    I love these guys. Saw the 25 worst costumes, then the tattoo commercial they did, and I got hooked. Being jobless rocks!

  • Jess

    I live GMM. And everything else produced by the mystical minds of Rhett, Link, and company. :)
  • Jess

    Wow I'm so cool. Love**