Laurel S.


United States

Comment Wall:

  • K-Mod


    Welcome to the Kommunity! here's a little tour guide that may help you along the path to mythical beastliness ~ Rhett & Link 101 

  • K-Mod


    @ Laurel S. - - - a bit of komm maintenance and helpful suggestions for you.


    You recently posted 3x the same discussion thread in one of your groups.  If you are not aware, there is always a DELETE option on any discussion thread and you can also clear out individual comments or posts that you make (or that others make on something you start or created) by clicking on the X at the right of each post.


    Point 2 - - since this is a discussion within a group, only group members are allowed to reply.  You will get much more interaction if you post this type of item as a General Discussion in the KOMMUNITY FORUM


    Point 3 - - with a quick SEARCH for certain key words, you can find one (or several) already existing discussion threads which you can add to instead of spreading out the conversation over more and more places.

    For example, let's try FAVORITE SONG . . . if you want all items (pics, videos, discussions, group names, etc.) then use the general Search the Kommunity box.  If you are looking for a specific item such as a discussion on favorite things, go to that area of the kommunity first and use the search box within the area.

    Topic 'What is your fav song?'

    Topic 'What's Your Favorite Rhett & Link Video?'

    What is your favorite Rhett & Link song?


    Thanks and enjoy you komming!