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Hello it has come to my attention that some people are not informed as well as they should about this so i shall explain.

1. this is just a title during chat for fun and all

2. who wouldn't want this title is fun

3. being the press is to be a role model per say

4. The pickle who is running seams to be a very good candidate.

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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AV0fmNo7474 Move on up and vote for Rachel T (HuneyBadgerFox) for komm president and Zachery (The Elegant Lion) for vice president. 

I am Rachel T (HuneyBadgerFox) and I approve this message. 

I think that this will mainly increase fighting, not decrease it. Insulting  ads can take place, fights over who should be a president,  trying to "one-up" other candidates. Plus, basically all the candidates have said the same things.

"I'll stop arguments in chat"

"I'll make sure no one trolls"

Why should I vote for one person over another? Since there all saying the same thing, I don't think it'd would be fair to choose one person and not the other.

"I'm nice"


And what is "must be nice to others" supposed to mean? Who judges if you're nice enough?

Who's gonna be the ambassador of this election? I don't think it should be someone who's running, because how would that be fair?

So anyway I won't be voting, running or participating in any way in this election, unless you change my mind (and I'm not to keen on that idea).

im going to run the elections im not going to run so ya 

Vote for Gumbo . . . Hello. I don't have much to say, but I think it would be good to have some holy Santos brought in to guard the kommunity and bring us good luck. ...  And we have a great GMM schedule lined up.  And I'd like to see more of that. 

If you vote for me, all of your wildest dreams will come true.

My first official act in office, after the swearing in ceremony and all the gala inaugural festivities are over, will be to abolish the office of KOMM PRESIDENT and simultaneously resign . . . then there's going to be a major coup to overthrow the komm government and insert myself as the Supreme Ruler and Dictator . . . you may call me Generalissimo Francisco Gumbo!

P.S.   If I win, you can be my secretary, or something.

Excellent Napoleon Dynamite reference! :)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46H_lm3OLBE  I am Rachel T (HuneyBadgerFox) I am running for komm president, and my hair goes down. My running mate is Zachery (The Elegant Lion) and his hair goes up. Even though our hair goes in different directions we both agree to work together to keep this komm as wonderful as it already is. 

I approve this message. 

It would be wise to vote for me... Simply put, I am a very important person. We wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you, now, would we?

 If I were to nominate someone to be president it would be this pickle. I'm afraid that this pickle would probably do as much as a human president. Except it would taste better as a pickle.

I respectfully withdraw my candidacy for President of the Kommunity and throw the full weight and backing of my trusted supporters to PICKLE!





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